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Arnav parked his car near Gupta sweets. He watched as.Khushi laughed with a boy. Both talked for sometime. What were they talking,he didnot know. But he was not liking it. The boy touched Khushi's hands. Both hold their hands and stood for sometime. Arnav looked away. Then that boy rode his bike and left. Khushi stood there few moments then got inside. He had seen the fiery side of Khushi. Yet for him,she was so calm. There was no will to fight there. She was more like a submissive doll there. That was not Khushi.Khushi should never be like that.. Arnav thought to himself..

He observed them for days. He watched how she would laugh. Yet her laughter would be wiped off the moment that boy left. And there would be worry etching on her face. It doesn't suit her..

He had found a garage near the sweet shop. Made friend with the owner. He was a very happy to go man. Arnav had quoted his three piece suits,branded shoes,glasses and walked in those streets as a simple man. He had indirectly asked about Khushi and that man. And the owner had told him in details. Khushi had met him during college. Somehow poles opposites clicked. She was a girl who just wanted to be happy. Donot know why,she always tries to find small reasons to be happy. He was a serious person,with high ambition. It had been over four years. He still is there,trying. Khushi wished to get married,have her own family.. She wanted to be free. There are a lot of difference in their families. His family,his mother,father and him. Her sister knows about them. Yet he had not even introduced her to his friends. Always hiding. They cannot even go out,talk. And some more..

Arnav had an overall idea. He knew what he was about to do,Khushi would feel wrong. But something urged him,to hurry up. Forces were moving underneath surface,and he didnot know how much was in his favour,how much was against..

"Di,ask Nani to come to Lukhnow. You and Nani and Mami reach here. I want to get married to Khushi Gupta,Niece of Anand Gupta"said Arnav to Anjali over call..

"Chhote,are you really wishing to marry her,or are you seeking revenge on Anand Gupta by doing so?"asked Anjali,this time serious..

"Di,whatever was between Anand and Sristi,Khushi and I have little hands in it. We were not even born then. I just feel like,Khushi is the one.. That'it"said Arnav trying to avoid the truth..

Anjali knew there was more to what he was telling her. But she knew her brother. He would not lie to her. He can hide truth,bit won't lie. So he was not seeking revenge. But why was he marrying someone who was not upto his standards,she didnot understand..

"Chhote,think once again. Think what would be her life like,with you,with us..She has grown up in a totally different environment. We are different from them. The way we live,the way we talk,the way our life is,it's totally different. She would be all alone here. And have you thought,there would be fingers pointing at her,telling her things that might hurt her ."asked Anjali. She wanted to know her brother's stand..

"Di,she will learn. We are there for her. And it's not like we are aliens from another planet. We eat the same rice, vegetables. Yes,we eat differently. But we too eat, breathe. We are humans too. She would feel unaccustomed with things. But will learn. It will take time. But it will happen for sure. And Di,that is also a time to enjoy right? Making her feel good,happy, comfortable in our environment,our life,in our home.. And about people,I donot give a damn. "Arnav answered. Anjali was relieved. At least he would not leave his newly wedded wife,alone,to work. He needs to know,her life is his..She would only seek him from that moment..

"Okay. Then what should I tell Nani? That you have fallen in love with a belle and want to sweep her of her feets?"asked Anjali.

Arnav laughed out loud..Arnav had become more like her chhote these days. The letters,Dadi had changed him for good.

"Not like I am fallen Di. Just tell her I like this girl and think,she would fit perfectly for our family. Once Nani knows the detail,I know she would be happy"Arnav said.

Anjali also knew,Nani wanted perfect traditional brides for her grandsons..And she would be very happy with that..

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