Thirty seven

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Aman Mathur looked at his boss cum friend drinking drink after drink. The man was totally wasted yet he still asked for more. Even the bartender was looking at him with questions in his eyes,and pity. Sigh.. Overdramatic man..

"Aman,donot tell anyone about me not having meetings this week. Not even Di"Arnav had ordered.

Aman had agreed. Something was disturbing him. And he did what he was best at. Run away. He left,living about project. And here they are in Dubai,drinking till they are all spend..

"Sristi was raped again and again..She tasted so sweet. You know her mouth,that once used to make everyone shut up,was screaming in pleasure,due to the drugs in her vain. She was on her knees begging for being touched. Sristi Singh Raizada kneeling infront of men,the same men who once shivered at her glance. Anant,you would not know how beautiful the scene was,right?"Arnav recalled Dhruv telling him..

Dhruv's men had caught the artist while he was painting sitting in the central park.They had taken him to that godown where Dhruv was..

Anant was listening. He was an artist,a great artist. And now he felt,the curse of being an artist. He could envision,her kneeling down,in servitude,in rags,her long hair dried,lips chapped,eyes dazed,lost..
What a beautiful picture it was..

Dhruv laughed as he watched a tear drop fell down from his eyes. He liked that. He had thought his daughter loved this man. But she had told him,she had used him from the very beginning to hurt Sristi..

Keeping the crystal glass with costly wine,he walked towards the table. On the table were pictures. He took a bunch casually and walked towards Anant..

"This man,he had used small blade,to cut her thighs. He had carved his name on her thighs. Look is it not beautiful?"Dhruv pretended to be like an artist and shoved the photo closer to Anant's face.

Anant watched. Naked Sristi. Her body bleeding. There were so many words written on her body. The woman who never wore anything except finest drapes,who wore pearls,who shone bright lied there. Her body was used again and again. Her soul was dead again and again..

In Ramayan Sita had Ram,to save her. Her dignity. Yet here a woman lied. No hope to be freed. She had willingly walked inside that hell..

Dhruv continued to show Anant. Anant could not look at it anymore. It was too much. Yet he looked. He watched..

"Do you know,my dear ex Son in law,that woman had took promise,to not hurt her family,your family. She had warned me,she would haunt me down as ghost,if something happens to any of you..She ,a weak woman dared to look in my,Dhruv Raichand's eyes,and warn.. How dare she? Do you know what I did? I sealed her with those,who were burnt. She would rot in hell. They would kill even her soul every moment"exclaimed Dhruv and laughed out loud..

Anant gulped. He had nothing to say,nothing to feel. He just felt dead.

Dhruv's men left Anant after beating him up. He lived. Yet he could not pick up the brush. All he saw was hers,tied in chain,marks all over her. He was going crazy. And he did what he thought was best. He escaped. He killed himself..

Arnav had recalled almost everything,from the childhood,till the end,when Khushi had met his Dadi. Yet he needed time. Time to accept,to move forward. He knew Dhruv,Dev and Sanjana were out there. He had arranged protection around his family around Gupta's. Yet he needed time,to settle himself.. So he agains did what he is good at. Escape..

Drinking alcohol to drown the sorrow. How wise..

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