Fifty two

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"Akashji..Khushi must be waiting. I will take your leave. "Payal said as she too heard the sounds of counch and bells indicating that the evening Aarti was about to begin.

"Okay...Wait .What did you say? Khushi?"asked Akash little surprised..Was she the same Khushi or there were a lot of Khushi in Lukhnow?

"Yes...Khushi. my younger sister..We are here to offer prayers"said Payal and started walking towards the temple. There were quite lot of stairs 5o climb afterall..

Akash too followed as he pondered over the fact that Arnav was there to meet Khushi and Payal was there with her sister Khushi. By any chance were they both one? OMG..If it happens then she,his would be sister in law, would be in trouble. What if Payalji goes and discloses the truth to her family.. Then their family might stop Khushi from being in contact with his Bhai. And his bhai who was in love,finally living his life,he would be hurt..Ohh no.. Akash Mallik,think something. So something to distract Payal from Arshi,so that hastag Arshi can work and finally his bhai would leave his grumpy mood behind..

As Akash was thinking what to do,he saw,thanks to his glasses(finally of some use),his bhai with his would be bhabi,together,from afar. Payal had not noticed it,for she was walking consciously due to her long salwar,afraid of tripping..

"Payalji..Let's do a parikrama..(circle around the temple)..You know my Dadi used to say,if we do it,it gives us more good Karma. And I really have never been to such an ancient temple. Please accompany me"Akash said, startling Payal.

She stumbled a little,but Akash was quick to hold her..He thanked his brother for this chance too .

"But Khushi ..."Payal drawled ..She wished to be in his company too. Donot know when she would meet him again. Would they even meet again,she didnot know.

"It's okay. Khushi ki would be inside. We can just meet her after finishing the circle"Akash assured his lady love,after sending a quick message to Arnav,stating,him to enjoy few more moments with his lady..

Payal nodded smiling. Akash too smiled. Both walked towards the other side of the temple chatting.

Arnav looked at his phone. He read Akash 's message raising his brows. Still he smiled..

Arnav and Khushi stood a little behind the crowd as they watched the Aarti being done..

Here Akash and Payal too stood on the other side,watching the Aarti..

After the evening prayer was finished Akash picked up his phone. It was time for Payal to go to Khushi..

Arnav and Khushi watched Payal and Akash approaching from the other side.

"Arnavji,she is Payal,my jiji"said Khushi in low voice..

"And he is Akash,my brother'said Arnav.

Both looked at each other stunned. So the two whom they wished to meet were actually already acquainted..

"Akash ji.. There is Khushi. My sister"said Payal with a bright smile..

"I know"Akash said . Thankfully Payal was in hurry to reach Khushi..

Both sisters met like they had lost each other in Kumbh mela. Arnav rolled his eyes and Akash smiled..

A new chapter was being written in their lives. Yet there were few eyes there too,some protecting them,some gritting their teeth in anger..

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