Fifty Six

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"Maaji..I have fixed Akash,Arnav and Anjali's marriage. I hope you would not create a scene on this"Manorama Mallik declared after the family had their dinner and were enjoying sweets from Gupta Sweets, specially brought by Manohar Mallik. Arnav tasted the Sugar free Halwa made by his dear father in law in joy,ignoring the conversation totally.. He was thinking of his Khushi while eating the delicacy. How would it feel like to have her in his home,in his room? How would the mornings be,the evenings be,the nights be,when they are together..

Would she be strict? Would she smile? Would she play prank on him? Would she accompany him? Till now,their lives were only fights and fights. But he wanted to feel the calmness of life with her. He knew there was business,there would be times he would be busy. There would be times he would be tired. There would be times Khushi would be tired. They would fight. They would quarrel at times. But he knew,both of them would work the hardest to please the other person. They would not keep the fights for next day..Infact he knew they would end it in few hours. Because they knew how hard separation is. How painful this love is. How long it takes to just hold hands..

On the other hands the other two monkeys of Raizada family were enjoying the delicious Kheer and watching the fights..

Beforehand the trio had discussed to not interfere anymore. For once they wished to be children. Let the adults sort themselves out. And they knew they had hurted their mother,motherly figure too.. So it's best to watch the show ...

"Mano..What are you even saying? The children,their matters would be decided by elders. Why did you decide on your own?"asked Manohar Mama a little irked..

"Ohh..Am I not an elder then?"asked Manorama,her tone calm..

"Actually what I wish is Akash,Arnav and Anjali to be married to good families. Not some so called high class people without manners"said Manohar,trying to control the situation.. But the situation was already out of hands..

"Then do you think I would get them married to some people without knowing how they are?"asked Manorama,her voice still the same..

"You donot understand. Mano..Your choice reflects on the way you live.. And I want genuine people for our children..Not some miss world or miss universe "said Manohar..

Manorama was a little hurt by the choice of words. But the comfort was that he too wished the happiness of the trio..

Devyani and Subhadra who were silent till now observed the change in the face of Manorama. How quickly she hid her feelings..

Was it always like this? Was Manorama such a good actor?

"Manorama..I would like to decide the marriage of my kids very much..I donot need your interference in such a matter. It's not a joke"said Manohar ready to blast..

"Ohh. Really? Your kids? Then who am I?"asked Manorama though it hurted her a lot..

"You are just a woman lost in the bright lights of riches. You have lost yourself and everything you had in yourself in these golden jewellery and bright sarees. Your make up,clothes,kitty parties,stay happy with them. Donot interefere in the matter of my kids..Got that.."said Manohar Mallik as he got up from the sofa..

"Manohar Mallik..Sit down.."Subhadra Devi said as she watched the woman before her shed a drop of tear..

Manohar sat down. But his face was down. He knew his mother would be disappointed in him for breaking manners infront of others..

But little did he know,his mother was disappointed at him for not looking at his wife while speaking to her. Devyani Devi regreted not understanding her daughter in law. She never saw her as a daughter. Only daughter in law..

The day in laws would find son in  son-in-laws,and daughter in daughter-in-laws,it would be a new day for humans..

For the first time Devyani Devi wished to pull her daughter in law in a hug and tell her,she is not alone..

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