Fourty four

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"Khushi..Dear..Aman was attacked last night.."Subhadra Devi messaged and waited for reply. Arnav had messaged him last night and strictly told her to not inform Anjali about it. She saw it early in the morning..

Subhadra Devi waited for hours,still there was no reply. Then she called Khushi. Yet she could not reach. It said the number was not reachable..

Strange,she thought.Khushi was not reachable,it was impossible.. Did something happen to her?

She sat waiting for the message to be seen. After three hours finally her patience snapped. She dialed Gupta house number.

"Hello..Who is speaking?"Payal asked as she picked up the phone..

"Can I talk to Khushi?"Subhadra Devi asked..

"Khushi.. Khushi..Someone isa sking for you ."said Payal and gave the receiver to Khushi..

"Hello.."Khushi said..

"Khushi,why are you not reachable? I have been trying to call you for so long"said Subhadra Devi,her tone snappy..

"I will call you back"said Khushi and kept the call..

She went to her room and picked her phone. She had actually blocked her number.

"Tell me Dadi ji..What can I do for you?"Khushi said as soon as Subhadra Devi picked up her call..

Subhadra Devi was little stunned. Was she the same girl who cried hugging her?

"Khushi, Aman was attacked. Today someone tried to stab him on the back. Luckily he escaped.."Subhadra Devi said..

"Okay.."was Khushi's answer..

"The problem is too much. I donot understand what to do.."Subhadra Devi continued.

Khushi kept on listening.

"Dadi ji..Tell me,what should I do? I cannot be of any use of you or anyone anymore. You yourself told me,Sristi Singh Raizada is dead. I am no one to you. You kept your distance from me. Then what should I do for your worry? "Asked Khushi her tone serious..

"Tell me one thing Mrs Raizada,did you actually ever loved me? What do you know about me? Do you know me? You didnot know your own daughter. You donot care about Khushi Kumari Gupta. If Arnav had not asked for marriage,you would have become even more colder to me. What am I to you? Did you ever trusted me?"asked Khushi,her tone monotonous..

Subhadra Devi was silent..

"From young age,after Baba died,all you did was pour your wishes in me. Did you ever care,what I felt? How casually you say and watched as my feet hurted. You were laughing with Kamini aunty. She said ,it happens and your accepted. Did you seriously thought,I have forgotten everything? At that moment,I had no memory except pain. But now,it hurts far more. Your indifference,Subhadra Devi,it has killed me even before my death. How casually you took my life. Even now,it does not matter. Khushi,Sristi,all she is a palce to vent,a person to be used. Mrs Raizada,now Aman is attacked,what should I do? Should I seek the person again and let them torture me? Are you implying that?"Khushi asked..

She knew she was harsh. No one deserve such words. Yet it hurts. Being used,being reminded again and again,she has to be grateful for everything,every damn thing. That she owes everyone,yet she has no one.

Khushi kept the call and sat in silence. Her mind was racing. Aman was attacked,Amar was attacked. Mayank must have ended the Raichands,then who was playing this game of vegenance..

As she was thinking,a memory, suddenly appeared..

A sweet woman,silently watching everything..She was not upto Kamini's approval. Yet she was extremely beautiful. There was something different about her,that had made Sristi uncomfortable. She had met her before Anand and Sanjana started relationship. And she almost felt like she was being watched by a viper.

As much as she knew,Caroline was not in India by the time Dev was arrested. Then where was she? What was she doing?

She walked out,towards a telephone booth. She was about to call Arnav. Yet stopped. What if Arnav doubted..

So she walked out. Went towards the shop selling phones. Bought a sim card,an unidentified number..

Then she walked back. Picking up the old keypad phone of her mother,she put the sim. Send a message..

"The wife of Dev Raichand..Caroline..The key to the mishaps.."

After she saw the message was send,she pulled out the sim card,broke it and walked out,throwing it in the dustbin that was for public use and was taken by government workers daily..

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