Twenty three

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Subhadra Devi had arrived in Lukhnow. Arnav told her Khushi's request to meet her. Subhadra too thought the same. May be Anand had left something for her daughter. She agreed to meet her and told Arnav to arrange the meeting that evening..

"Hello,who is this?"asked Khushi busy in her work. She had not seen the caller ID on her phone .

"Khushi,this is Arnav,Arnav Singh Raizada. Before you cut the call,I want to tell you that Dadi has arrived. She told me to arrange the meeting. Would you like to come to Sheesh Mahal?"asked Arnav..He just wanted to tease her a little..

Khushi chuckled. How she wished to tell that man,his voice is all she wished to hear. In his chocolate brown eyes she wished to get lost. How dare she avoid him..

"Yes..I would have cut the call. I donot know you at all"said Khushi in fake strict tone..

"Ohh.. so sad. I thought to tell my dadi only good things about you. But you are making me think twice"Arnav played along..

"Donot worry ASR ji. Your Dadi would love me. You will see,she will tell you,she wished to meet me,talk to me everyday after meeting me once"said Khushi,tone arrogant..Only she knew how much she craves for her mother..

"Ohh. Miss Overconfident Gupta,that we will see"taunted Arnav back..

"Then let's set the challenge.. If your Dadi falls for me,then I win. You will fulfil my one wish. If she doesnot then you win. Then you will fulfil my two wishes"said Khushi,smiling a little. It feels good to tease this always serious man..

"Okay deal"said Arnav..

Khushi laughed..

"Arnavji,do you read your documents well,before signing them?"she asked..

Arnav wondered where did the business come here. She was talking playfully..

"Yes. I do. Khushi,what kind of question is that?"Arnav asked..

"Then Mr Raizada,if the deal is brought forward by your most trusted man,then?"asked Khushi. Now she was all serious..

"Of course I read it. It's business"said Arnav confidant..

"Then,do you use silver needle to taste poison everytime you eat,drink something Mr Raizada?"Khushi asked with the same seriousness..

Arnav was feeling something strange. Why would Khushi ask this..

"No Khushi. I trust them. Why would anyone put poison on my food,drink?"said Arnav,yet he was understanding what Khushi was trying to tell. And it made him have goosebumps..

"Ohh.. So Mr Raizada reads every document,every piece of paper,before signing. Yet he eats,drinks,the food, beverages brought without testing.."Khushi dragged..

She didnot explain. There was no need to. Intelligent person needs only a hint. She knew what she was saying. If you trust someone,then trust completely,or if you have doubts then donot take risk..

Arnav too knew it. Everyone knows it. Our instict tells us that clearly.

"Then Khushi Gupta,should I carry a silver needle with me everywhere now?"tested Arnav .

Khushi laughed out loud..
Workers in the kitchen looked at her. She mumbled a sorry and walked out..

"Yes,Mr Raizada. It's better safe than sorry. And no,donot carry silver needle. Instead carry silver spoon or fork. Or make few steel straws with silver lining inside"she joked..

Both knew she was damn serious. Arnav was nervous,Khushi was too. She was directly hinting him something. Wishing for him to understand..

"Okay milady. I would order for few. And definitely take them with me to your sweet shop. I doubt anyone else but you"he teased..

But this time Khushi became all serious. Her eyes were sad. Damn it,it hurts. Even if he joked..

"Arnavji,do you really think I would do so,to you?"she asked and waited..

Arnav gulped. What happened.. Were they not playing around. Why did she suddenly become so serious..

"Khushi,are you okay,like really Okay? Did something happen?"he asked..

He was already planning to dismember the person who hurt her..

May be her boyfriend did something. He had seen their interaction quoted close .

"No Arnavji.. Nothing happened. And please tell your Dadi ji that we will meet at the Central park,today after seven in the evening. I will wait there"Khushi tried hard to make it seem normal..

Arnav accepted and cut the call..

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