Fourty three

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Past continues

Mayank walked back inside the room. Sitting opposite to Sristi he watched the woman,dieing each moment,working hard to safeguard her brothers and mother. She had appointment with her doctors,for alongside the poison,she was suffering from Cancer. Her life was fading out yet nobody knew.

It was also a factor that made her decide to face the storm head on. She was dieing already. The poison and cancer both were killing her. So she had to move fast..

Sristi had named everything she owned privately,outside Raizada industry,through her hard work,in the name of Mayank. He was to donate it after her end. The very ashram where Subhadra Devi lived,one of it. Mayank would keep an eye on Dhruv and his children. And if they move,Mayank would pull the trigger..She had handed him her trusted men. They would kill the trio and disappear from the country. Their family safe,lives safe..

Every step was throughly planned. Yet Sristi Singh Raizada forgot the woman,the foreign woman whom Dev had married. She had thought,she was not involved in this mess. But that woman was the reason behind the death of Ratna and Arvind. She was the step mother of Lavanya Kashyap.. Caroline..

End of the past..

Khushi woke up with a gasp..She had slept. There was a restlessness in her heart. Like something was going to happen. What,she did not know..

She looked at the time. It was 2 in the night. What should she do?

She walked out,and sat on the verandah. The cool wind made her wake up. What was happening..

On the other side,Aman Mathur was walking down the street,to pick up some pizza for himself an d Arnav as the man denied.. He felt something amiss. Suddenly there was a bike and the one sitting behind had a knife. He tried to stab Aman on the back. Yet Aman turned around and only his right shoulder was hurt. Still his blue sweater was red. He ran back to the hotel. Thank God he was not very far. But he fainted in the lobby..

The staff knew him. They called for the Ambulance and Arnav. Arnav ran downstairs. He saw Aman lying on the floor with bloodied hand. He ran towards him in panic. Thank God,the wound was on the shoulder. The medical personnel of the hotel told him. Aman was taken to the hospital and his shoulder was stiched. Arnav sat outside the ward..

He was hell angry. Whoever this was,now he was sure,their target,he and his family. They had no idea that Khushi was Sristi.

Suddenly a little boy ran to him with a note..

Arnav opened the note and it read
"It's.just. A. Teaser..The whole movie is coming Raizada."

Arnav was stumped. Who was it? Is it Dhruv and his children? He had to find out..

Otherwise his family is at risk..

"Rahul..Find Dhruv Raichand and His children Dev and Sanjana Riachand. Dev and Sanjana were imprisoned in central jail. Find everything about them,as soon as possible."Arnav called his trusted PI and ordered. He was an investor of that firm.

Rahul was  a friend from school who studied criminology. When Arnav returned to India and his business flourished,he had seeked Rahul,who was then a police officer.Both had discussed a lot and finally Rahul left his job and started agency with retired soldiers..Arnav was a shareholder in it..

"Okay..ASR..What happened?"Rahul asked..

Arnav explained how his uncle was attacked and how Aman was attacked today. He explained the riff between Raichands and Raizadas..Both friends kept the call..

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