Fifty seven

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"You saw me wearing bright sarees after marriage. You saw me wearing glaring make up. You saw me trying to speak broken English. But Manohar Mallik,did you ever try to correct me? Did you ever tell me,that it was not necessary? That my simplest self was the best? You made my son laugh at me. Did you think I seriously didnot see you laughing at me,every morning? Did you ever but me a simple saree? Did you ever bought me something I liked before marriage? To remind me of the girl I used to be?"asked Manorama looking at her husband..

Manohar looked up. For the first time he saw Manorama,the real Manorama..

"Donot look at me like that.. When I got married to you,I had no education. Did you ever consider how would I adjust in your life? Did you put effort to make me comfortable? Manohar,you did not. All you did was take me home then leave me there alone.. Do you know when people pretend to be fool? When they need self protection. Being laughed at for my family,my back ground,my education,I would rather appreciate that your so called high class people laugh at my dress,make up..At least I can sleep in peace. Like you laugh at me,but it's actually you laughing at your narrow mindedness. Got it Manohar Mallik? You didnot laugh at me. I laughed at you your fake promises. Your vanity and ego.."Manorama Mallik continued as she sat calmly on the sofa..

"Did you know,how insecure was your son,when Arnav and Anjali arrived at your home? He was so jealous of Arnav. It was my ignorance towards them that made him feel,they were pitiful. They were his siblings. Manohar Mallik,a house where a woman rules on her only son,had complete rights on her daughter's household,did you ever think,how I would survive there? There would have been fights daily. The peace of this family,your great family would have been lost since decades. It was this fool,with her foolish actions trying to keep this peace. At that time,all I felt was,if one person becomes a clown for the family,for her dear ones,then they would understand. At least the man who claims to love me would understand.. But no. At least Maaji understood something in these years and bickered with me to lighten the situations when Arnav was angry,,or any other conditions. But all you did was laugh..You tell me you are disappointed in me. No mR Mallik. actually I am the one who is disappointed in you"said Manorama and wiped the angry tears on her cheeks. The bangles on her wrist made a wound on her cheek..She laughed ruefully looking at them. Then she removed them with sucha force that it left haunting red marks in her wrists..

Pulling the necklaces from her neck she threw them towards her husband. Wiping the bright red lipstick,she looked at her family once overall. She saw her children,crying. Especially Arnav and Anjali. Opening her arms she asked them to come..

The trio ran towards her and hugged her tight.. Kissing their foreheads she smiled and wiped their tears.. Then the four people left upstairs leaving the So called
elderly people with many questions..

Never think there are no one doing anything for you. In silence there are always people working the hardest for each step we take..

Each safe night we spend,each safe day we spend comes through lots of hard work. Each day we survive,we walk forward,live with gratitude...

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