Twenty eight

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"Devi maa.. Will my Sristi suffer,even in this life? You know na,she cannot accept anyone,once she has set her heart. That fool,only listen to her heart. Now she has only Arnav in her heart. What will happen to her?"sat Subhadra Devi and looked at the idol infront of her..There was a storm inside her. Should she tell her that Arnav would never be her. That she is destined to be alone forever?

She sat as tear drops rained from her eyes. Her insides was burning. How she wished to kill that girl and herself. She was really tired of all this..

After a long time she left..

"Khushi beta..Are you free?"She asked Khushi on call..

"Dadi ji..Wait a few minutes and I will be done..I am getting ready"answered Khushi and hurried up. She was worried for the old lady..

"Tell me Dadi ji.. What happened?"Khushi asked..

"Arnav has denied to marry you.. He says he cannot marry you. You both are too much different"The old lady informed her..

Khushi was silent..

"Khushi..Khushi..Are you there?"the old lady called out loud..

"Yes.. I am. So,he denied.."Khushi asked again. Buy this time her tone was plain,like she was talking about something very normal,like she was telling someone that the curry had less salt in it..

Subhadra Devi knew her. She knew what Khushi would do now. She would bury herself in work. Any kind of work. She had watched her daughter,when Anand had declared his love for Sanjana. She had even tried to work as a paid labourer. She just runs away,from feelings. She avoids. Its not that she doesnot accept truth.  But she just tries to avoid the trauma after that. She forgets as humans,it's okay to be hurt,to cry it out. May be she cried too. But when,no one knew..

"Khushi..It's not that Arnav has rejected you..He has denied marriage all together"said Subhadra Devi to console her child..

"Maa..Donot try it. You yourself had told me,he had accepted to marry some Lavanya..Your grandson is just not ready to accept me .and it's fine"said Khushi..

Subhadra Devi knew she was serious when she called her Maa..

"Maa..You know,somewhere I expect the worst. Even now. Sristi Singh Raizada could not move Anand Gupta. She had everything,talent,beauty,everything. She could have given him every thing he wished and more. Yet Anand only saw her. Now,I am just a simple girl. Crazy. Not educated enough,not talented. Nothing. Do you think,he would be moved by me? When you had told me about his wish to marry me,I had mocked at myself and slapped myself awake. How dare I dream something when all I have is nightmares?"Khushi choked..

Both cried. For the fate of a woman. Who was she,who is she..She just loves,that is it..

"Dear..Amar was injured. Someone attacked him. Actually they had some bad intention toward Amita. They wanted to harm her then kill her. But Amar saved her. He is seriously injured"Subhadra Devi said..

Khushi was shocked.. All she could remember was the little child she had carried in her arms lying in hospital bed..

How she wished to run to him,embrace him..

Yet she cannot do it..A tear drop fell from her eyes..

"Maa.. Do you know what I wish to do? I wish to call that bastard Dhruv and tell him that I Sristi Singh Raizada is back. He can torture me again if he wishes to. Yet leave my family..Yet I cannot even do that. Because it's true, Sristi Singh Raizada is no more. Khushi has family. She has an elder sister, unmarried. She has her parents,bua,friends. Maa,even they would be pulled in this whirlpool if I say it..Arnav doesnot know,to what extent Dhruv's enemity runs. He can never tolerate me being alive..Arnav has to handle it. This has to end Maa. You need to tell him about Dhruv,his children..Let him finish it for once and all"said Khushi..

Subhadra Devi knew Khushi was helpless. She cannot even do anything. So she decided to tell Arnav the truth. About Dhruv. Somehow she would manage to convince that it was in Anand Gupta's diary..

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