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It was raining slightly as Khushi walked out. She smiled. Rain,donot know why she loves it. When waterdrops touched her,touched the earth,it was a feeling of euphoria. Like someone was gently telling her, everything would be okay..

The rain drops touched her face,thank God she never applied any make up,or Arnav would have been scared of,watching her. Then again it reminded her,the differences between them. She laughed. What an irony. She had always looked for someone who was not that different from her,in background,in family. Yet all it ended with was hurt. She wondered,what had happened to people these days. Then she told herself to stop being foolish. The moment you open your heart,the moment you try to be sincere,that is what people await. To trample on you and walk away. So it's good,to be fake. Keep your true heart to yourself..

She walked down her lane,watching children playing. She wished to return to her childhood. Yet again, childhood is not so far. It's our heart that changes..Keeping a childish heart,it's hard, but not impossible..

She joined a group,they were running behind each other,trying to touch each other. She too joined. She had laughed so freely after a very long time. She liked to be free,not free like giving up everything and leave. She liked to feel free,even in the most complicated places, situations..Freedom comes from our heart. Even in the smallest cage we can feel free..We just have to expand our own self, connect with our higher self,that was connected with everything in this Universe..

Actually she had no idea about it..She had heard it..But she was trying..

It was 6.45..She reached the park. Looking at the time,she sighed. She has to wait..She looked at the swing. It had been a very long time,since.she last sat on a swing..When the swing flew with air,it made her feel something. Like she had connected herself to both heaven and earth..Like her love and her life were connected to each other..Like time and space were connected..Like her heart was open and she could feel the love she had.. She sat on the swing and played..

As the wind gently caressed her hair,she smiled,content.. No matter how hard the next moment was,at that.mpme t she was happy. That is all she wished.. She didnot need loud music,dancing,partying to be happy. She needed Arnav to be happy. But she cannot make him understand..

Arnav stood afar,watching her lost..She was playing by herself. The slight smile that was on her lips was the most peaceful smile she could have. She didnot laugh out loud. Somehow he knew,it was her truest self. Quite, silent yet seeking.

How long both were like that,both didnot know. He walked by and say on the other swing. Khushi looked at him and smiled. She had felt his presence. He too smiled. Both forgot they were there to talk. Both sat silently enjoying a moment of peace..

Khushi sat basking in Arnav's company and Arnav sat silent..It was enough but was it enough? When in love,nothing is enough.Love doesnot need words yet words are good. Love doesnot need the presence of lover,yet lover's presence is all we can pray for..

Love does not need any strength,yet it makes us strong..Love makes us fear,yet it makes us accept it and face it..

Love is love..That forever flows,silent,yet violent..Calm as spring,yet, roars like ocean..

A contradiction,a beautiful harmony of contradiction..

Such a beautiful harmony,how can anyone not feel it?

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