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Arnav opened the last box. It had one note book. And a case. With lock,numbers were used. He tried to open it. But could not. So he thought to read the notebook,to find hints maybe..

"Today I talked to Maa. I know my days are numbered. So before anything happens to me,I have to warn her. My family is the only thing I have. And I have to keep it safe,at any cost. Even if it means leaving Lukhnow forever. Because I know,I understand we are in open and the enemy is hiding behind veil. A perfect crime where there is no criminal to point at.."
Ohh,so it too had her entries..She must have really loved writing..

"Last night I called Maa. Took her out. We sat in the park. After Baba's death,we never had spent time together. She looked at me and suddenly hugged me. She told me,she knew. She knew I was hurting. That I was dying. She could feel me fading,from her heart.. After a long time I felt so safe. Like I had no worry in this world. My Maa was there,what more do I need.. We talked. She told me,she knew Baba was poisoned. She had tried her best to make him live for few more years. Yet the unknown venom was so strong that the medicine worked in opposite direction. After Baba's death,she kept her distance from me,because she wished the person who harmed me to not vent on me. She said,the person was her enemy. But she cannot understand why did I suffer the same. The same poison..

My brother's are safe. It's better for a family to scatter and quarrel than die together,she told me. It's better to hate her than die. Yet I was dieing. We sat,we talked. I told her about my feelings,for Anand. She smiled. She knew. Mother is an amazing creature. She knows when we are hungry,when we are sad. When we need embrace. She told me,it was her who had told our cooks to make sweets,everytime I was sad or serious. So this was the reason why I had sweet almost daily these days. My sweet Maa. But she didnot no sweets were harming me. Still I love her ..

She told me about her past. How she and Kamini aunty,Dev's mother were best friends. Kamini Aunty loved my Baba. But my Baba loved my maa. So she smiled in their happiness. Maa told me,she was always indebted to Kamini aunty. Now finally she feels free. I too smiled. At least my mother feels free. We ate outside. Drove around for a long time. Laughed. Maa said,she would take Arvind and Amar,and leave Lukhnow forever after I leave. I was again thankful.."

Arnav was lost. He thought his grandmother was a selfish, egoistic lady. But here he finds another face of his grandmother..

" These days all I seek is peace and safety of my family. I have stopped going to office. I spent more time home. With my family and in our temple,infront of the Idol of Devi maa. While lightening the Diyas,all I pray I'd for the safety of my family and Anand. How can I leave him out of my prayers.. Life has become calm,silent. I never had any expectations from Anand. Now I donot have any too. I just wish he lives a happy life"

"Today a surprise guest appeared in our home. Anand Gupta. The great Artist Anand Gupta after years is here. And he is here to tell me,his would be wife and mother-in-law are the reason of the destruction of my life. The death of my baba and me. What a joke..He said he heard the conversation of Sanjana and Kamini aunty. Both were laughing and celebrating the end of me. I too laughed at them. What would they get by that. By killing me or my baba? Would Kamini aunty get my Baba as her husband in the next life? No,cause my Maa is his,now and forever. And Sanjana has lost to me,she has lost Anand when Anand was hers. Anand would never look at her with same love,same adoration. All he would see is a murderer who murdered someone who had no enemity with them..

Still I looked at his eyes,asked him,did he ever liked me? A little bit? And again he bowed down . Averted his gaze. Silly man. You love me. Your heart tells me. Yet when you hear your heart,it would be too late.."

Arnav sighed. So the real culprit were Sanjana and her mother. Her father and Dev must have enjoyed it too. Afterall they were businessmen..

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