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Kamini opened the blindfold on Sristi's eyes. It took her few minutes to adjust. She looked at the faces. The faces of people who were sitting there,with eyes of predators. Many of them,she had worked with. Many,she had business deals with. Many had seeked her help. Many had tried to be her friends..She watched them watch her. Some were even as old as her Baba..

Kamini took a sharp knife. She ran the knife across the cheeks of her.. Reason,jealousy. She looked like her mother. Sristi glared at her. Then Kamini smirked. She pointed the knife at her eyes and dug in. Still she was silent. Her eyes bleed. Tear of blood. The red was colouring her white satin saree to a beautiful shade. It was black due to dirt. Now red. If her eyes were all right,then she would have marvelled at the design where red droplets of blood got mixed with black. Alas,what a miss..

The knife ran,across her lips. Kamini was talking something..Yet what,she could not hear. The knife ran towards her neck,then it ran across her blouse. She heard exclaimation. The men there were cheering for the show. Then someone came,dragged her somewhere. She was thrown onto a bed. Someone came,satisfied his desire,left few cuts,burns on her skin to satisfy his perverted desires. Then someone else,then someone else. How many days,night she was there,she didnot knew. All her days and nights were same. A her body was covered with cuts,burnt marks. Criss cross scars ran beautifully across her body. She was dead yet alive. Waiting for the perfect time. And time came. The whole place burned to ashes. Her aide had done his work and disappeared. No one knew who he was. He just obeyed her command. Waited for the moment when everyone had gathered. And he had burned the place,with her inside. The loud screams,burning bodies running headlessly,he watched for sometime.

Then he bowed down,to respect her and left. "

Khushi woke up with a gasp. She was drenched in sweats. These days she had dreams. But this,was not a dream. She felt her heart beating. Sheesh Mahal, Sristi.. She mumbled it and collapsed.

The sound of the jug and glass falling alerted her family. They were awake. They ran to Khushi's room. They saw her down,fallen..Payal supported Khushi up and laid her on her bed. Then sprinkled some water on her face..

Khushi gained consciousness. Yet she looked at them in wonder. She was confused. Who were they? Then it hit her. They were her family..

She ate something and slept for the day. Then got up. Yet she was still disoriented.. The dream,the pain,it felt so real. She looked at the mirror. Her face was not wonded. Her eyes was good. She sighed in relief..

Gupta's were worried watching Khushi going lost. She didnot even talk for days. She could not even cook simple dish. She stopped cooking her favourite Jalebi. She was all silent..

She just looked at the photo of Anand Gupta sometimes and laughed and cried at the same time..

Her boyfriend was calling her again and again. Yet she was all silent. She was so different from before yet she was the same.. She just told him to give her some time,to sort it out. Yet he was lost in his own imagination. He blamed her for being selfish, egoistic and what not. She just stayed quite..

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