Fourty seven

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"Khushi here I am talking about something serious and you are asking about what?"asked Subhadra Devi, irritated..

Khushi sighed.

"Mrs Raizada..Do you know,these days all I wished was to tell you what I have been,all my self doubts,all the blames,all the dirts on me .But as usual,whatever you decide is right. Now,I am no longer Sristi Singh Raizada whose existance revolves around you,Arvind and Amar. Actually at a moment I donot care about anyone and anything. I feel so tired. What will your talks do to me,except you escaping?"asked Khushi..

"Kamini told you to do that. Yet Baba was there to warn you. You could not see it. But Mrs Raizada,you were killing your own daughter. When she was fainting,when she was tired. When she was in pain. She was walking towards her own death. You were busy with your friends,family,sons. She was alone. And when she finally found out,it was already too late. Did you ever ask yourself why,I,a person with so much power,walked into the trap? You never asked. Why did I leave? What made me do so? How were you safe? Do you really think,it was Dhruv who killed Arvind and Ratna? You have not seen the cruelty of Dhruv and Kamini. I had seen it. Anand was beaten so black and blue. Do you know,they tortured people,peeling their skin,just for fun. Do you think,they had tried to kill you would remain alive?"asked Khushi..

Subhadra Devi was silent. She had no answer. Both sat for some time and Khushi got up as the evening bells rang. She had to pray. Right now,she didnot care about any past. All she cared about was Arnav. If he accepts,she would try to heal,leaving Everything behind..

Subhdra Devi watched the young woman walked towards the temple. She too got up and walked in the opposite direction..

To the surprise of Subhdra Devi Arnav and Aman had returned. Anjali was dishaveled looking at Aman with his shoulders bound. Arnav was trying to calm her down..

After some time she calmed down and the old lady left,towards her room. Arnav too followed her. She had right to know,what the knew..

Arnav told everything he saw,knew from Dhruv. Subhadra Devi was silent. Yet she had tears. Both sat, consoling each other..

"Arnav..Marry Khushi..As soon as possible"said the old matriach..

Arnav nodded.

"Dadi..Will she accept me? "He asked his grandmother..

Subhadra Devi smiled. Little mockingly. That fool,she would dance in joy may be..

"You talk to her..Ask her opinion..Then we will move with the proposal. But be careful with that man. Pranjal.."she warned..

Arnav nodded yes. Both sat discussing few more things. Subhadra Devi told him about what Khushi told her,about Dhruv and his children being dead..Aranv too told her that he knew that..

He walked out of his grandmother's room,walked back towards his own room. Anjali was sitting beside Aman,talking to him as he rested. He smiled at the site and gently closed the door..

Then he walked to his room. Picking up the pencil and sketchbook,he began sketching. And slowly it was Khushi's eyes..He smiled. There was a lot to heal. Yet he was ready. For he is ASR,not some Anand Gupta. He had vowed to himself,he will not let go of her,ever again..

Slowly he fell asleep,dreaming about the future with Khushi.How would it be,to have her,in his arms,in his life?Would she smile,from the bottom of her heart again?

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