Twenty six

699 73 4

Arnav had slept peacefully after many days. Both his favourite persons,his Di and now his Dadi were there. They were showering him with their unconditional love. He was happy. Donot know why,there was times he wished to share it with Khushi. He didnot know why..

That night after midnight,the landline of Arnav's room rang loudly. His phone was silent. So someone called his landline...

"Hello.."Arnav picked up and spoke groggily..

"Hello ASR, something happened. Please get ready"said Aman. His tone worried..

Arnav woke up from his sleep..

He kept the call and changed into a track suit and walked down. Aman was already out of his room. He was pacing across the hall..

"Aman,what happened? What is the matter?"asked Arnav worried..

Aman looked up and saw Arnav. Without a second waste,he pulled him along towards the parking lot. He literally stuffed Arnav Singh Raizada in his car and walked to the other side. Starting the car he drove towards City Hospital..

Arnav sat quitely. He knew Aman,his best friend and only friend. He would never do something unnecessarily..

Aman parked the car infront of City hospital and both got out. They walked in. Arnav watched as Aman inquired about patient no 367,and then walked towards the lift. The lift took them to fourth floor..

Arnav just silently followed him. They walked towards the end of the corridor where a young lady sat..

Arnav gasped. It was Amita,his little sister. The only daughter of his uncle Amar Singh Raizada..

"Amita,what happened? Why are you sitting here? And what happened to you? Your forehead is bleeding and clothes are stained with blood..What happened Amita?"Arnav asked worried..

He had talked to his uncle after his dadi came back. It was decided that until Arnav's marriage was finished,they would stay out. He knew somewhere Dadi was worried..

"Bhai..."Amita called and cried out loud..

Arnav not caring of anything just pulled her close to console her. He let her cry..

From her cries and broken words he understood,that she was returning from her extra classes,in the evening when some people surrounded her. Thankfully she was on call with her father and it was just five minutes away from their home.Her father rushed there hearing her trying to walk away..


"Look at her..Our princess is walking.. Let's go and pay homage to her"said person 1 and a group of four walked towards Amita. Their eyes had the glint of hunter playing with its prey..

Amita walked faster. But her two inch high heels,the bag with some fruits and vegetables were not helping her. Someone from the other side crashed into her. She helped as the bag in her hand fell down,few apples rolled on the road..

"Amita, Amita ..What happened to you?"she heard her Papa asking from the other side through her headphone..

Before she could answer,she heard approaching footsteps and not picking up the bag,she again started to walk faster..

"Papa,some people are surrounding me. They have wrong intention. I can feel it from their eyes. Someone has a gone too"Amita whispered..

Amar was already outside. He had never ran this fast before..

"Baby donot worry. They might just be street romeos. You are my brave little girl right? Stay strong. Papa is coming soon"he told her..

"No papa. They called me princess. They are not afraid. Even though they are teasing me,their eyes have no lust. They are here for something else"whispered back Amita. She was trying to stay strong, trying not to show fear. Yet she knew she was vulnerable.

"Okk. Walk faster. See if there is any shop. Walk into it. And donot cut the call. Wait for me"told Amar and ran..

Amita could hear her father's heavy breathing as he ran . She knew she was near her home. She had to survive these few minutes..

Amar ran,yet he was yelling at passerbys to call the police. Many gave him a strange look. Still looking at his state,some people called the police..

Amar found Amita cornered inside a store. There were few thugs sitting outside. He didn't walk inside. He walked towards them. He knew he cannot go inside or the thugs would follow him. And he knew that Amita coming out would only push her in problems. He had to choose. He choose. He choose to save his daughter. He drew attention to himself.

Amita watched in horror as her father fought with the goons. Someone pointed at his heart from afar and shot. The rest of the men stepped on his limbs and walked away. Amita ran out. She stumbled and fell. Her forehead cracked. She had already called the police and ambulance. The men had pointed their fingers in warning. Still she dared. She had called. Within few minutes she took her father to city hospital..

Her Father was pushed to OT. She was numb. Her mother was long gone. Now she only had her Papa.. She had no idea who to call. It was the police who contacted Aman.

Flashback ends

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