Fourty nine

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"Aman,monitor Pranjal's every move. Whatever he does,keep an eye on him"Arnav said to Aman who was a little better..

Aman nodded and called his trusted men. Arnav also called Rahul and told him the same..

Donot know why,he was getting bad vibes from that. He just wished to calmly finish this phase and return to Delhi with Khushi. But there were several tests waiting. First was convincing the Gupta family.

Anand knew that Gupta family,no matter how poor they were,would not bend down. They would stick to their self respect..

And with Pranjal's presence and Caroline breathing on their neck,they had to move low key. Like a simple wedding without much fanfare,just few close friends and family. But first,Guptas had two daughters. Payal and Khushi and they will not get the younger one married without the older one.

"Rahul,find out everything about Payal Gupta. And give me every detail of Akash as well.."messaged Arnav.

Rahul replied with a thumbs up..

Akash Mallik,his cousin was still unmarried. And he had never heard any rumours about him. If possible,Payal would be a good match for him,thought Arnav. But who knew,Akash had already become a hero and saved the damsel Payal,making a space in her heart..

( Akash,Payal meeting same as the serial..Just there is this additional information,that Payal is in a doubtful condition about her relationship)

"Dadi..I am thinking of getting Akash married to Payal, Khushi's sister. You know,elder sister should get married before younger sister,so that society would not point fingers at Khushi. What do you think of this?"asked Arnav to Subhadra Devi..

She was thoughtful. It was indeed a good proposal. But would Manorama and Devyani accept the interference of Arnav and Her in Aakash 's marriage, especially Manorama?

She had heard her discussion over the phone that she wished for a wealthy daughter in law,a miss India or something for her only son. And Devyani had stayed quite. She had not at all stopped Manorama's decision..

Infact,she even wondered how easily Devyani had pressured Arnav and Anjali to marry. Though Anjali stayed strong for herself and Arnav,still she had almost fixed his marriage with Kashyap girl,who was still a thorn on their neck..

"Chhote. Rather than Devyani or Manorama,I think you should discuss this problem with Manohar and Akash. Ask Akash directly what does he want. Then we will continue further. If not Akash,we will find another good proposal for Payal bitiya. You have many business associates who want a good daughter in law anyway.."said Subhadra Devi..

Arnav nodded in agreement. He too was doubtful of all this. His Nani would not stay quite,after hearing the so called proposal. No matter how much both mother and daughter in law bicker,he knew,they would not keep secrets from each other. So he had decided to follow his Dadi..

"Khushi,can you bring Payal with you to the temple the day after tomorrow? "Texted Arnav .

"Why Mr Raizada? What is going on in that ASR brain of yours?" Texted Genius Gupta back..

"Does Payal have a boyfriend like you?" He asked,hitting the sore spot..
"Yes..She had. And he too was a self indulgant brat of his family..Broke up"replied Khushi not mincing her words..

"Okay. It's settled then. Miss Gupta. See you in the temple day after tomorrow "said Arnav..

He smiled peacefully. At least one side problem was over. Payal had broken up. He just had to wait for Rahul to find out about that man,her ex. Donot know why these exs,creat so much drama these days. Can you not break up peacefully,like okay,feelings are not there anymore. We donot need to pretend..Let's be friends and see you again..

He smiled hitting his head. How was that possible. Its a matter of feelings. And the moment feelings turn bitter,its a hell..

Mr Raizada worked some more then fell asleep,dreaming about a certain Gupta.

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