Thirty two

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Khushi sat near the window. There was tear in her eyes. She was a mess. Had no idea where to start from. Everything was just falling apart. Her life seemed to be a crumbling sandcastle and she was caged in it. Who was she,that she even could not find at times. Was she Khushi Kumari Gupta,the naive young girl? Was she Sristi Singh Raizada,the matured woman who could even risk everything for her family? Who was she?

There were moments when her heart it cried for Anant,who was no more. There were moments when her heart just wished to find a trace of her love,in Arnav even if it hurted her. But Arnav was more like herself. Anant was gulible,kind,soft hearted person. He thought too much and hurted himself in the process. Yet Arnav was different. He was sorted. He was mature. He was serious in things he wished to do. Soemtimes even Khushi was confused,was there something like that? Did Sristi and Anant really existed?

Then why was her soul in such pain? Was she possessed? But by whom was she possessed?

Sometimes her mind warned her,she was letting go of Pranjal. The man she had dreamt a future with. Her mind warned her that she would be left all alone in the end. Anant doesnot exist. Arnav has no memories. And she cannot prove herself to Arnav. Arnav would not care.. And no matter what Pranjal had walked with her for six years.

She was sometimes blaming herself for every mess of her life. She could not handle it well..
So she did one thing she felt. She went to Gupta Sweets and started making Jalebis..

While making Jalebis,she looked at her hands that felt so unfamiliar. She realised,she had no idea make her favourite dessert. Yet she could cook other deserts. Khushi breathed. No she was not going crazy. She had changed. She was trying her best to accept that..

"Khushi,tell me one thing..What has happened to you? Why are you so silent? Why are you feeling so distant like you are here yet not here?" Payal asked tentatively..

She had been wishing to ask it to Khushi. Yet she was hesitant. There was something different about Khushi. She felt close yet distant. Soemtimes it felt Khushi would snap at any given moment when Buaji called her names or said things. She tried her best to Khushi at a distance from Buaji. Even their parents had felt about it. Garima had told her toa sk Khushi if she had some problem. Yet she could not ask..

Khushi looked up from the dishes she was washing. She had cooked some food,yet it was different. Her father had looked at her after tasting it,for it was very much different from the usual taste. Even her mother had stopped for a moment after tasting the food..

"Jiji..What are you talking about? There is nothing serious"Khushi said and focused in her work..

"Then its okay. Khushi do you know,Abhinav has asked me for marriage. He wishes to marry me as soon as possible. His mother wishes to get him married so that his career would be smooth"said Payal. They both were that honest to each other. More than sisters they were besties and they totally cherished it.

Khushi smiled..

"Jiji..Tell me one thing..Do you want to get married right now?"Asked Khushi..

Payal looked at her,turning her head towards Khushi from the stove she was cleaning..

"Of course. Khushi,Abhinav wishes to get married as soon as possible and I too wish the same"said Payal,yet she could not look into the eyes of her sister..

"Jiji..I am not asking about Abhinav,Baba,Maa,Buaji or me..I am asking about you ..Baba wishes for us to get married. Buaji is pressuring us to get married. Maa is silent. But what do you wish Jiji..Can you for once ask yourself,what do you wish? Not right decision nor wrong. Not in any situation. Just feel yourself as a free person,who has no relation with anyone and ask yourself. Only see yourself and choose"Khushi asked..

Payal turned towards her sister and was surprised..

"Khushi what happened between you and Pranjal? You who wished to get married that to a runaway marriage is asking me to choose? Should you not be jumping up and down in exitement now?"asked Payal. Yet she was sure that something had happened

"Jiji.. People change. I changed too. Pranjal made me realise how worthless love is,my love is..He taught me,I am still too guillible"said Khushi still focoused on wiping water droplets from the glasses..

Then she moved,leaving Payal behind..

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