Thirty five

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"Then Khushi,are you saying that men are wrong?"asked Payal..

"Jiji,do you know,we worship Earth for giving is her embrace. We worship Air,water,fire,sky. We worship cows. We respect everyone. Then the men,the male,are they really disrespected? No jiji. Trust me, there is no such thing called perfection in this world. We cannot find a perfect man,perfect woman. To adjust is also life. But on what ground we adjust,we have to decide. Jiji,the funny things is,where do you think,these boys get most pampering at? From their mothers. Because thier father would never wish for another man to walk down the same path. To loose precious time of their life,of family,of togetherness due to something as cheap as ego. Boys get most scolding from their fathers. Like a Potter makes pot,learns from his mistakes and makes beautiful pots one after another,more beautiful than the last one,still he knows,he would try, till the end,and the last pot would be his most perfect creation. If it's not,then he would again be born,trying the same. Children are like the same Jiji. Mothers instill the sense of calmness in girls,the wish to give the glass of water to her elder. And father instill the wish to be strong in any situation in the girl. So that she can balance her life. Same way,mother shows her son,how he should treat the women in his life,for they would be there for him,with him,till the very end. Father teaches him,the way to that care. Just like that Jiji. Everyone sacrifices. When men sacrifice a little of their ego,vaninty,when women sacrifice their ego,their honour a little,it creates a perfect harmony,called life. Jiji,in the body,mind is masculine,it's rational. Heart is feminine,it cares,it gives. Yet when mind is not calm,it's pure destruction. When heart is wounded or cold,unfeeling,it's also destruction.."said Khushi..

"Okay Miss Gupta. thank you for this. Let's go. And fall asleep. We have work tomorrow"said Payal and both sisters got up.

Sashi Gupta and Garima Gupta returned to their room quickly. They were standing behind Khushi and Payal,at a little distance hearing their talks. As soon as they heard Payal's words,they left as quitely as possible..

Khushi tried to sleep. The things she said to Payal was due to what she had seen on her face when she was talking to abhinav. She didnot know what they were talking about. Yet she somehow knew, something was not right with her sister. She just could not understand why it was like that..

She thought about her and Pranjal. She laughed at herself. When she met Pranjal,he was in the eyes of storm. The place he was studying,there were many rumours about him. She had heard them too. Yet she trusted him. Trying to pull him out of the mess,she had lost herself. Trying to give him a place of comfort,she had let go of herself..

She had forgotten how beautiful the smile was that came from heart. She had forgotten how to be herself.

More than a relationship,it felt more like a vampire sucking her blood. And she had bend her neck,letting him drink..

They had a gap of five year. And she was always a child who knew nothing. She had to accept everything he said. He was right.. But that did not mean she was wrong. When right and wrong becomes too much,more than heart,we are only binded by mind. She was wrong,always wrong. Even the things she said right became his..

It just was killing her. She knew her Jiji. From childhood.. They were similar in many ways. Though she was silent,she hid her feelings and was dwelling in doubts. She had to push her sister. This time she wished to fight,for themselves. If they meet someone who understands them and try to make them understand themselves,then they would walk into relationship. Otherwise she wished to live. Be happy,be themselves..

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