Twenty Nine

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Khushi was surprised when Arnav called her the next day. Why was he even calling her. What did he need from her? She was already broken. Somewhere she had to face that,she herself felt so dirty,that she didn't wish to be touched by anyone. She had issues. So she had accepted it..

"Hello.."Khushi answered. Her tone distant..

"Khushi,what are you doing?"Arnav asked. He felt something wrong with Khushi..

"I am doing literally nothing right now Arnav ji..Tell me,what can I help you with? Are you calling to order for sweets? I am sorry to tell you,I am not working anymore. You can call the shop number to order and Mukesh would deliver it at Sheesh Mahal"said Khushi..

"Calm down Express Gupta. I donot need any sweet now. Can we meet? I want to talk to you"Arnav asked .

Khushi was quite on the other side. She laughed..So ASR wishes to tell her,face to face that he would not marry her. But Khushi forgot Arnav never proposed her in the first place..

"Why Arnavji? You are so busy. You have a business empire to handle. Why would you like to meet someone like me?"Khushi asked, actually she was escaping,from another heart break .

"Khushi,you can give all your time to your boyfriend. Go out with him.Talk for hours with him,yet cannot even meet me once? "Asked Arnav in wonder. What happened to her. She was so open few days ago,even teased him. Then what happened..

"Arnavji.. Are you even listening to yourself. Pranjal is my boyfriend. Of course I would go out. We would kiss,we would spend time together.. What is wrong with that.."said Khushi. Though it hurted her. Rather than showing Arnav how weak he makes her,she choose to pretend, everything was okay,that she was very happy with Pranjal,that they were that vannila couple..

Arnav didnot know why he suddenly brought Pranjal in between. He himself was silent..

"Khushi.. Will you come or not? Donot worry,I do not judge you or your boyfriend"said Arnav a little serious..

Damn,somewhere his heart ached. It hurted. He did not want to listen to that name itself..

"Ok..I will come. The Central park. Seven in the Evening..If you are late,then I would leave."said Khushi. She knew she would wait. For him for this life time,for every moment. With one prayer,to be freed from life itself. To never exist again..

"Okay. But I have a meeting. So do wait for me"said Arnav..

"Sorry Mr Raizada. I think you did not hear me clearly. I would leave,I would not wait for you"said Khushi and cut the call..

Arnav looked at his phone. Has this girl eaten dynamite today or what,he wondered..

He had meetings lined up. He was really busy. But something told him to talk to Khushi,after hearing his sister's words..

He had woken up from sleep yesterday night,feeling so lonely. Like a train was leaving and someone very dear was leaving him in it. He had never felt so suffocated. Even when his mother left..

Khushi was also feeling restless. How she wished to call Pranjal. And listen to his spiritual words to calm herself down. It's like,once she heard something from Pranjal,she would try to figure it out,to implement in her life,experiment how living like that was. She didnot know how much Pranjal himself applied his words. But she had tried her best to apply many goos things in her practical life.

So she did it. She called Pranjal. He received. She discussed something with him. Again a downpour of knowledge. She stood calm. Yet she was not calm. There was this raging pain in her. So after few words she cut the call as the discussion turned to argument. Gone was the Khushi who just listened silently. She was herself. Who dared to stand for her opinion..And again it was ego. She laughed .It's okay. She is egoistic.. She knows that very much..

She tried to sleep. Yet could not. She went to the kitchen,cooked for whole family. Made sweets. After a long time her family saw her in kitchen. They did not know that she was just trying to overcome her urge to cry. She just felt like crumbling. Wished to run,run until her feet bleed,until she faints..

It was 6 in the evening. Her alarm rang.

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