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"Dev proposed me. I declined it. I told him I donot love him. Still he wished to marry me..So I asked him for time. Actually I am running away from problem. I cannot even face Anand now. I cannot tell him that I love him. Cannot he see,this heart beats for him? He understands everything. Yet only my love he doesnot. These days Dev has called Anand out quite a times. They had very nice time together it seems. Anand is happy. Yet why is his art becoming dark and darker. The bright, beautiful colours are gone and mostly there are dark shades even where bright colours are needed. I donot know much about Art. They are great people. Both Dev and Anand. Dev also reminded me again few days back,how a woman doesnot know anything. I remained silent. He asks to marry me. But does not have a basic respect for me..And Anand,he would not even tell me. He would just get up and leave. Silent treatment..Sanjana is absent too these days. She usually came to meet me,talk to me every few days. And funny thing is mostly our subjects is Anand. The man himself never realises,how amazing he is.."

So Dev had proposed her yet she declined..

"Dev told me,Anand and Sanjana love each other. He asked me to convince his parents as they adore me. I hope he didnot notice how I almost fainted there. So that was how it was. Dev was helping Anand and Sanjana meet. They both love each other. I asked Dev,did Anand really said that. Dev told me tomorrow Anand is planning to propose Sanjana. Actually it's good too. Sanjana is a professional dancer. She understands art. She had been the model of Anand's painting quite a lot of times from childhood. I should have noticed it..And Dev confessed that the proposal he made to me,was only to test if I had any feelings for Anand. He just likes me as a friend. He actually is in love with a British girl and is planning to marry her. It was actually the plan of trio. I stood rooted that moment. Still I am happy. Anand is happy,Sanjana is happy,Dev is happy. I would just handle the business till Arvind grows up,then leave,somewhere far away,to spent my time with books,flute,words and designs.."
Arnav was silent. He didnot know what to do. What kind of turn it was. She was Pining for a  person who fell for someone else..

" Today finally Anand had free time for me. I was sitting on the swing,enjoying my tea,without milk,and he came. He sat near me. He had stopped doing that after I turned sixteen. Yet today he sat close to me. The swing moved gently. I was getting lost in memories. Of the time when there was no Dev,no Sanjana in between us. Just me and Anand. We had spent lots of time there. Sometimes I wish,time to turn back and stop there. Where in those sunsets,he was there with me,close to me. Where we didnot need any word. Where we were happy..

Anand told me,he loves Sanjana. She understands his art. She understands what he needs. She would make the perfect partner for him. I heard him,his words. Yet all my heart shouted in silence was,then what about me Anand. You people have made my life a joke..Yet I smiled. I just looked into his eyes. I know it was wrong,very wrong. Still I wanted to let him know,even though there was no words. I hoped my eyes told him what he means to me. He averted his gaze. I laughed, mirthlessly. I got up. Congratulations Anand. Do inform me about the marriage,I told him and left.."

Arnav turned pages. There were few small notes,on small things. Yet all he wanted to know was what happened to her,to them..

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