Twenty one

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Khushi sat alone,on the roof top. Seeing serious Khushi,Payal and rest had stopped disturbing her. She was just trying to breathe. Yet the ashes of pain,betrayal,hatred were choking her. Watching the lights of city glowing,she smiled..

"Dhruv Raichand,you better keep your promise. If I find out that you or your children have touched my family,then I will haunt you down. I will pick up the kitchen knife If I have to and butcher you."Khushi thought to herself..

Yes,neither Kamini not Dhruv died. Actually Dhruv hated Kamini for using him for her revenge. He loved Kamini. Yet all Kamini did was use him. But he could not tolerate it when he saw his children following the same path. He had forcibly sent them away,to keep them away. But Kamini was Kamini. She found ways behind Dhruv's back to poison Dev and Sanjana's mind. And it's also true,fruit does not fall far from tree. Dev and Sanjana were very obedient to Dhruv on the surface. But they listen to Kamini in dark.. Dhruv had seen Dev, dissecting a little puppy that Sristi had gifted him on his birthday with so much hatred that it had chilled his heart. He had seen Sanjana spreading broken glass on the grass bed in garden of the palace on which Sristi danced..

He was jealous of Amarendra for his capabilities and also because he was Kamini's first love. So he had helped her kill him. But he had warned her,that his children should not do it. They would be happy.

Yet Kamini was Kamini. She knew exactly how to fool Dhruv. Dhruv loved money,power. She used it as a bait and made him busy. Took control over the children. When Dhruv noticed,it was already too late..

Before Anand Gupta confronted Dev and Sanjana,Dhruv had met with Sristi. He had told her truth. She had warned him not to harm Anand. And she would try her best to help him in protecting his children. So the poison was exchanged by Dhruv. The truth was Sanjana actually wanted Anand to die slowly,painfully for loving Sristi. She didnot know Sristi never existed in Anand's eyes. Yes,he might have not known or not realised his love for her. But his love was Sanjana.

Kamini told him her plan to fake a suicide for Anand knew the truth. She didnot even care about Dev and Sanjana. She just faked her and Dhruv's death with the help of her corrupted friends. And Dev and Sanjana were sentenced. Sristi kept her promise and their life was safe.

Yet Dhruv hated her too. For her resemblance with her father. When Kamini tried to reach out to harm her brothers,Dhruv was silent. So Srishti asked him,why did he stop helping..

He told her his condition.. Condition to end Kamini for once and all,to keep her family safe. Kamini's and her friends had to die. And with them would perish Sristi Singh Raizada..

She laughed. Looking at her body that was slowly turning dark,due to the overwhelming amount of venom in her,she mocked at herself. If the price to keep her family safe is that,then it's good price. She too want to see,how evil Kamini can be,Dhruv can be..

So plan was made. Dhruv was the one who told Kamini the plan. He himself took Sristi to Kamini. May be he too enjoyed Sristi. After all he too hated her,her family. And he was the one who spilled gasoline over the place and lit that fire..

But the condition was that,her family would be happy after that. Anand,Guptas,Raizadas,nobody would be touched. If anyone is harmed,she would come back,haunt them down,even if as a ghost..

Guess she was really back. The only wish she had asked from her Goddess,to be freed,from everything,was broken. Her dear ones were harmed. Anand killed himself. Arvind and his wife are dead. Arnav Singh Raizada threw Amar out like a homeless dog. Subhadra Singh Raizada was living in an ashram.

What happened to her family,her Anand..She had to find out. And only her mother can give her the exact answer..

Still she would find out where that cockroach called Dhruv was. And kill him herself,if he had or his children had harmed her family..

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