Thirty nine

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Aman woke up early morning. He was exited,too exited..Switching on his phone,he directly called Anjali..

"Hello.."came a groggy reply from sleepy Anjali .

"Good morning Anjali"chirped Aman..

Anjali got up with a start.. She was shocked from the early morning call from Aman..

So without any thought,she cut the call..

Aman looked at the phone wordlessly. Was he dreaming last night,or was he drunk?

After few minutes Anjali's call came again..

"Hello Aman.. I am sorry. The network is bad here,so the call got disconnected"fumbled Anjali.

Aman smiled. Yes it was true. Otherwise Anjali Singh Raizada would not have called him and fumbled,explaining him..

"Anjali.. It's okay..It happens. See yesterday night my battery died. We could have talked more"said Aman..

Anjali hmmed..

"So Miss Raizada has just got up . Good morning my beloved"told Aman..

Anjali giggled.. He was such a sweetheart..

"So what do my lady need? Tea,coffee? Breakfast on bed? What?"Aman asked,his tone formal..

"Hmm. Black coffee,with warm water,no sugar..And fruits for breakfast"Anjali too continued..

"But Mr Mathur..Rather than tea,coffee,breakfast or anything else..I need something else.."said Anjali .

Aman gulped. He knew Anjali. She would not tell lies.

"Then what do you need Madam?"asked Aman..

"You..I need you..Aman..All I need is you. You know,this heart has been craving for you,longing for you for so long. Countless faces came,left. Yet never did this heart beat for anyone. Yet I heard,the beat of my heart,for a man,I never dared to dream of..Aman,it's a pure agony.."said Anjali sniffling..

Aman knew she must be crying. Feelings are like that. Who knows it better than them..

"Anjali..I am returning to India today. Wait for me,okay"said Aman..

"No Aman..Stay and finish your work. I know Chhote doesnot have that much important work. Still he needs this time. You stay with him,as his friend. Return after this week.."Anjali said..

"Then you would not miss me Anjali?"asked Aman.

"Every moment Aman. I missed you,will miss you.. "she said. Both stayed quite listening to each other's breathe..

"Okay then. BY the way,what happened to Arnav?"asked Aman..

"Aman,this,you should ask Arnav. Even I don't know much in this matter"explained Anjali..

Both lovers talked for more than an hour. Then Aman left to check on Arnav and Anjali to offer prayers..

They were happy,too happy. And Anjali really was afraid. The place she was,where only danger waited. She wished to do everything she could to protect her love..

Sitting infront of the Idol,she prayed. For the safety of her family,of her beloved. Donot know why,she was feeling strange. She wanted to be prepared for everything. The attack on Amar chachu,she knew there were secrets to be unfolded. And somewhere her brother was in the centre of this storm. She just prayed for this storm to pass..

Subhadra Devi looked at her grand daughter. She had seen her looking at Aman secretly. The balant adoration in her eyes,it could not escape her eyes. She was scared that Anjali would only be hurt. She had cried whole night,afraid that like her daughter,her grand daughter was too cursed. But she had seen him,stealing glances,observing Anjali's each step from afar. She had seen his silent care,love. She had breathed relief..

Closing her eyes,she prayed for her family to be happy. For Arnav to find Khushi,for Anjali and Aman to be together..

Both ladies prayed. And destiny laughed. Mocking or not,who knows..

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