Thirty eight

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"Aman.. Aman..Have you ever loved someone?"asked Arnav,drunk..

Aman stilled..Yes he loves. He loves someone very much. Yet he doesnot dare to say it,he doesnot dare to look into her eyes and tell her his love. How can he,when she is a princess,the moon and he just poor assistant of Arnav. They both were students in Havard and Arnav became his friend due to his quite nature and his trustworthy behaviour..Yet Aman Mathur had fallen for the Raizada princess,Anjali Singh Raizada. She was elder than him,four years. She was mature,calm. Yet he knew behind that friendly behaviour lies a shrewd lady. He had seen her work. She had never tried to take Arnav's place. She liked when Arnav took charge. But at times she took charge. He had seen it. He had fallen for her. She had smiled at him,a polite yet distant smile. And he dared not get close..

"Aman..When you love,donot care for anything. Donot give damn about anything. Just go for it. If it hurts then hurts. But seldom we get second chances to be happy. Do not be coward and go forward."Arnav blabbered..

Aman looked at his friend. Even though drunk,he was telling truth from bottom of his heart..

"And what if she is like Moon?So far away that I cannot even dream of her?"Aman asked spontaneously..

Arnav chuckled. Yet there was no happiness in it..

"Then tell her. If she is the moon,then too she will come,if she loves. Just donot hide. Donot just watch her from afar. Donot try to find replacement for her. Aman,trust me,she might slip right through your hands like sand"Arnav said and looked out..

Aman was feeling weirdly brave. He looked at his watch. It said it was about to be midnight .

Soon they reached the hotel. Aman took Arnav to his room and almost ran away from there. Thank Go ASR was sleepy and fell asleep..

He picked his phone. It's battery was running out.Still he picked his phone..

"Can we talk?"he messaged to Anjali..

"Yes"came an instant reply..

Aman picked up his phone,dialled her number..

"Aman.."Anjali Singh Raizada called out. She was dressed in simple night suit. Her face bare..

Aman gulped. Why was he feeling something different..

"Anjali.."Aman too called her. She never asked why he never called her elder sister,Di or anything. At first it was Ma'am,then it was Anjali. It felt right..

Anjali gulped. Somehow she knew. Her fool has got courage today. This night,finally her prayers were going to answered..

Yes,Anjali loved Aman. More than anything. The mature yet naughty, almighty Aman Mathur. She was mesmerized by that man,smiling cheekily at her brother,when she had first met him. She had observed him, working. He was so serious,yet the moment work was over,he was all cheerful. She had seen him angry,sad,alone. Though she could not approach him,she still cried along. She dared not approach him. He was younger than her,by four years. He was an eligible bachelor and she a cursed woman. All she ever got in love was pain. Her previous experience told her,no body truely loves her. Just ASR's sister. She was in a serious relationship when he had crash landed in her life. He was there,that far away light,when everything crashed in her life..When she and her boyfriend broke. A long relationship ended. His smile,his light,it made her move forward. He was like a angel in her life...

"Anjali..I love you.."Aman told..He broke the ice.. He didnot want to loose the time together if Anjali said yes..

"Hmm.."Anjali hmmed. She was stunned..

"Anjali..I am saying I love you to you. I love you so much that I want to scream it loud to the whole world"Aman told..

"Okay.."came the clam reply..

" Anjali..Donot be like this. Please say something"Aman whispered. He was not liking the ways he replied..

"Aman... Can you not feel it? Even after you said you love me,I am still here. What does it mean?"asked Anjali with a smile..

"That means.. Anjali..Please. This time,please be honest..I cannot solve the puzzles any more"Aman begged..

She laughed out loud. This man became such a fool when it comes to her..

"Yes..Aman,I love you,I love you..How much,I donot know. Yet you are the only person who makes me flustered,shy, emotional. You are the only person who makes me smile,when everything is bad. Aman,I donot know what to call it..But it feels so good,when I feel,you,near me.."Anjali confessed..

Aman was silent..

The phone cut with a beep..

Aman Mathur fell on the bed, clutching his phone,kissing it..

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