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"From that day,that swing,I cannot look at it. A part of me died that day. May be my heart died. Just a body lives. It has responsibilities,duties. Yet my family is so eager to free me from that. I am happy..I talked to Anand's and Dev's parents. About Snajana and Anand and Dev and his lady love. They accepted. Dev's mother was sad. But I told her,Am I not her daughter. People just need a way to decrease their guilt. Anand's parents were over the moon. His younger siblings are so sweet. They made me their sister. Irony is it not?

Dev's marriage would be held first,then Sanjana and Anand's. It will take time. They want to have lavish wedding. I remember talking to Anand about having a small wedding. With only family. I had been designing wedding dresses,for myself and Anand. Yet it would be never worn. His favourite colour red would never colour my life. And my favourite colour white and blue would not touch him,from me.. Actually me and Sanjana are quite similar. It's just I am not a dancer. So when I look at them together,at moments I feel like I am watching myself. What a dream.."

"My mother is forcing me to get married,to one of her friend's son. I have told her clearly,I have no such plans. I would leave for somewhere far,after Arvind get older. So she doesnot have to worry about that. And I have given her my will to. Which stated that except the private job I did, everything in Raizada Industry would be Arvind and Amar's. Then she left me alone.."

"These years I have been trying to find the reason of the untimely death of Baba. Finally I found it. It was poison. He was given slow acting poison through his food. There were so many old servants at that time. Now I cannot find the culprit. And I cannot tell Maa too. She would creat a rukus. Her fear for her dear sons.."

"Today I talked to old Mr Gupta. He is the head chef of ours. I was asking him about some food ingredients and about the poison. Anand heard me. He snapped at me and told his father to quit the work. I also told Gupta sir to quit. Otherwise Anand would feel hurt. He wished tos Tay,yet left. Anand has not talked to me since then. Even Dev and Sanjana have stopped appearing in our home.."

"Today it's Dev's engagement. I just received a formal invitation as a business associate. Maa wanted to come. Yet I donot want to cause a scene so I will go there alone. No matter what they are my friends.."

"The engagement was.very good. Dev's bride is a very gentle woman. Yet they didnot talk to me. Its okay. Anand was there. His family was there. He stopped his siblings when they wanted to come to me. I left the party. What should an unwanted guest do there. May be I would not be called for their wedding after this"

"Old Mr Gupta had come to meet me . He told me about someone who he had doubt on. And he offered me some sweets. I had accepted them . Actually he knows how much I love sweet. He almost daily used to make me something sweet. He had tears in his eyes. But fate is like that. I donot want to explain anymore"

" Dev marriage is over. I have no wish to buy new diaries. Have nothing to write. These days I am tired,always. Yesterday I fainted. Should go to doctor."

"There is slow acting venom,the same kind my baba had,flowing in my body. And it is much more than him. There is no way out. It's good too. I would finish up, everything I can. Then Raizadas will handle themselves..I just want some peace"

Arnav was reading her entries upon entries. Later there was no Anand,no one. She just wrote for the sake of writing..

"These days I am almost always in our temple. As I lit the Diyas,all my heart prays for is,peace. I donot want to come back again,live again. But I donot think it's possible. May be one day,Anand would know,what I felt. But it would be too late"

It was her last entry..

Only one box remained to unlock..

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