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Arnav as usual was busy with work. He had met a dead end when Khushi Gupta denied having conversations with him.As usual he focused on his laptop,trying to torture that poor machine,to relive his irritation..

A call came. Arnav didnot look at his phone which was in charge. He directly connected the Bluetooth and received the call..

"Hello..Arnav Singh Raizada speaking"he answered in his formal tone..

"Hello...Anjali Singh Raizada speaking"the other side said in the same tone then brust into pearls of laughter.

His frown eased. His di had called. Somehow she always knew,when he was tensed,sad or angry. And she was his comfort. No matter how close he was with Akash,Anjali was his comfort zone. And he was Anjali's secured place. She was the silly,bubbly,sweet Anjali with her chhote. Otherwise she was calm,kind,silent Anjali for her family. Only Arnav knew his sister was a chatterbox. She cannot digest anything without telling him. And he loved that. He too liked to share his days,his burden,his work with her and she would sit with him,listen to him and sometimes lend him a helping hand ..In the great world,they both truely had each other's back. Aranv was Anjali's first priority and Anjali was Arnav's. There was no secret between them. Even in childhood,from the crush on teacher,to the first real heartbreak,both had shared with each other. The lack of parents,both had tried to fulfil it in their lives by themselves. .

"Yes Miss ASR. What can I do for you?"Arnav tried to make his tone more formal..

"Tell your boss. His sister is in need of his time. I want an uninterrupted one hour"said Anjali and giggled..

Arnav too laughed. He put his laptop back. And laid on his bed relaxing. He liked that time,where he had no worries. Just the calming presence of his sister,his mother,his best friend with him..

"Chhote,Lavanya came today again.Nani told her,you are in Lukhnow. She didnot know I was watching her from afar. But Chhote,hearing Lukhnow her face changed drastically.. But from what I had heard from Nani, Kashyap family has no relation to Lukhnow"Anjali expressed her worries. Arnav had told her about the diaries and briefed her with everything in it..

"Di,right now,I cannot say anything. I donot even know what Nani saw in her that she is hell bent on forcing me to marry her. I thought Nani would like someone with more traditional background. Yet this Miss Kashyap is ultra modern and what not"said Arnav..

"Actually Chhote,I think,Nani feels like you are running away from marriage because you cannot accept the traditional girls. And you think she would not accept the girls of your liking. So she thought Lavanya would be perfect for you as you work in Fashion industry and she is a model."explained Anjali..

Arnav sighed..

"Di you know na. I donot want to get married actually..It just doesnot feel right. And what is the need. I have you. If in future,we feel like,we can adopt one ore two kids"Arnav exclaimed..

Anjali knew Arnav was scared. Scared that he would be like his father,who cheated on Ratna and for which his mother killed himself..

"Chhote. It's okay. We will handle it. But right now I am worried about this Lavanya because of her attitude"said Anjali..

"By the way Di,can you ask Nani for the adress of the ashram where Dadi is in..I think,the doors ahead,only she can open it"said Arnav

Anjali affirmed..

The siblings talked for more than an hour and slept..

Next day Anajli collected the adress of the Ashram where their Dadi was,and sent it to Arnav..

It was an ashram in South India. So Arnav booked his tickets and left. To find the answers to his questions..

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