Fifty Five

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"Arnav bitwa,call Akash and come to Anjali's room. I have something I need to discuss with you three"said Manorama over the phone and walked towards Anjali's room the evening next day.

Arnav was stunned. Was it really his Mami? Yet he came back to his sense and called Akash and both walked to Anjali's room..

Manorama Mallik was seating on a single seater sofa in Anjali's room. Both brothers walked towards the bed and sat with Anjali. Anjali was folding her clothes. She kept it aside..

"Akash,Arnav and Anjali.. I have choose three people as your future spouse. See it"she said with all seriousness and gave the envelope with pictures to Anjali..

Anjali took the envolop and opened it. Inside it were pics of Aman,Khushi and Payal. Arnav and Akash leaned forward to see it, curious. None had taken the lady infront of them seriously. They just wanted to laugh at her choice. Yet they were in for a shock..

"As you know Aman,Anjali. I know you both love each other and have proposed. As for Akash and Arnav,the girls are Payal and Khushi. Daughters of Gupta family. Good girls. I have liked Payal for Akash and Khushi for Arnav.. Arnav can just go for details about them through detectives,though I can assure you ,they are good people. Their mother is my best friend from childhood"finished Manorama..

Akash and Arnav looked at the photos in their hands and each other.

"But Mami..Why so sudden?"asked Arnav..

"I am not asking you to get married immediately. But I think it's time to get married "said Manorama..

"And I would request you three,to be kind,gentle with your partners. I thought Arnav would like someone like Lavanya,but after knowing her,she is not the right person for you. And as these girls come from simple background,be with them. Donot leave them alone like your Mamaji did. Or not only yours,whole family will fall to hell.."said Manorama in no nonsense tone and left the room...

Akash,Arnav and Anjali sat there stunned not understanding what was going on. The person they thought actually was a good for nothing,fool was there,showing them mirror..

The trio knew the family would go through changes,before the arrival of their lovers. And they were scared of the storm approaching..

Old generation was in for a bad wake up call. Relations were about to be unmasked. Truths were about to come out. Years and years of silence was breaking and it was coming out with a roar. A silent scream. Arnav was trying hard to breathe. One side was Khushi,Sristi,who was so broken,that he didnot know if she would heal. And the facade Mami had showed today made him realise,there were still demons in his home,in the heart of people of his home..

Akash was silent. First time he felt like running to his mother and hug her legs. He felt her,yet it felt as if there was a huge wall between them. And it felt impossible to break that wall. But he was Akash, Akash Mallik
And he was determined to break that wall and feel his mother again..

Was it even possible,only time would tell. Would Manorama,already dead

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