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"Heeloo Mr Raizada. What are you doing here in our small shop? What kind of good deed we did that your feet graced us today?" Asked Khushi sarcastically.

Arnav wondered what he had ever done to Khushi that she is irked with his call and presence..

Little did he know,Khushi was hell nervous. His presence,his colonge,his eyes, they had made Khushi so restless that she was scared of this man. She was afraid she would fall,fall too hard for someone who is far beyond her reach. She had seen people fall like that and it destroys them. She was trying to be happy with her boyfriend. She dared not to dream of a prince charming on a white horse..

All she wished was a calm,quite life. She knew she would have to face many more things with her boyfriend too. And it was slowly killing her.

And Arnav Singh Raizada was like a shower of rain in desert. The perfect man. The dream lover of any woman. His chocolate brown eyes that glowed golden when Sun rays fell on them,his perfect features,his hight,his talent, everything screamed perfection. And she was just herself. A stupid fool.

Her family had told her the reality at very young age. They didnot have money to get her married to prince,to sent her to private education. She had to struggle for everything..

And suddenly this man came and she,her self control,her heart, everything was loosing. So she wanted to stay away,to avoid him. And those dreams too didnot help..

"Khushi Kumari Gupta,I am coming to your home in a week. To rob your family of something good. So I thought to tell you this beforehand"said Arnav looking into her eyes. He saw something in them. Some hesitation,some questions,some insecurity,some loneliness and so much pain..

He blinked. How was it even possible. Was she not Khushi. The girl trying to be happy. Then why was there pain in her?

Khushi pushed him with all her strength and moved back. She was nervous. Her fingers were shaking. She was getting anxious..

Arnav left. But there were many questions that rose in him that day..

Anjali,Devyani Devi and Manorama Mami reached Lukhnow with Aman. Arnav went to pick them up personally. He was happy seeing the peace on the face of his grandmother. Though he knew his mami was a. different problem all together..

He chatted with them for sometime. Telling them about Guptas,about his Dadi as his Nani asked.

Then all of them had dinner cooked by a chef arranged. He dared not ask Khushi to provide meals for all of them. He didnot wish to overwork her anymore.

Two days passed in jiffy. His family went to some holy places in Lukhnow to offer prayers. His di had some Mannat from Dargha. So both went together.. And much to his surprise,Khushi was there, with her boyfriend. Both were sitting,he was talking and Khushi was listening as usual. He saw them and took his sister towards other direction. He didnot wish her to see them and question Khushi.. He knew Khushi was not prepared. It was like a sudden progress. He donot want to give Khushi time,to think,to prepare and may be Run away on him. He had to come fully prepared. So that brilliant Gupta would not know what hit her..

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