Fifty four

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"Hello..Garima..I am really sorry,donot know what has gotten into our family. I very much want Payal and Khushi as my daughter in laws. Donot know why Khushi feels like perfect for Arnav and Payal for my Akash. Yet I think the old ladies have seen someone else for my Akash. But you donot worry. I will try my very best"said Manorama Mallik to her best friend since infancy,the cousin sister of her,Garima Gupta. Actually she found out only after arriving in Lukhnow that Garima had married to Gupta family. After the case with Arvind and Ratna,Arnav,Anjali and Malliks literally had no ties with Lukhnow and before that,she was a young bride of Mallik family. She had no way to find out about Garima..

"Mano..I will pray to Devi maa. After hearing about your nephew and son from you,I had felt a little relaxed. You know,even though Payal and Khushi were never our burden,but wish to watch them settle down in their lives,it's a wish of us three elders. Then we would leave to do tirtha"Garima Gupta shared her inner feelings to her best friend..

Manorama too understood. Everyone saw a woman trying to find her own place in high society. But she too had heart. She was the mother to the trio. Even though they didnot trust her enough,or thought something else. She had loved all the three equally. When she had seen Anjali with Shyam,she had not liked it. She had hinted it to her too. But Anjali often ignored her. Yes,she had a habit of making herself a clown. Atleast,it made her years bearable. Even though her mother in law laughed at her,scolded her,she was not insecure of her,not jealous of her. Her family was happy. And if it needed her being the self she hated with passion,then so what.

Garima had looked at her stunned. Who was she,where was the Mano of her village? What had time done to her,she had wondered. Then only Manorama Mallik opened her heart. She spoke fluent English, beautiful Hindi. Her manners were wonderful. Only one person saw it. She was Garima. And from then on,she had wished to give her daughters to this lady as daughter in laws. Manorama too gladly accepted.. But she heard Devyani Devi and Subhadra Devi's discussion. So she threw a tantrum..

How she wished Akash,Arnav and Anjali would come,tell her what they felt. She knew when they cried. When Anjali was breaking down due to bad breakup with Shyam,when Arnav was depressed. When Akash was insecure because of Arnav. She knew everything. Yet she knew the responsibility they had to shoulder. They had to stand up for themselves. And in it if a mother's heart is sacrificed,she is called superficial,then so be it..

At nights when her husband had decided on his own,she was a heartless woman,blinded only by money,status,that he had lost the Manorama,simple,sweet somewhere. He had turned down her,her love that night. He had turned his back,falling asleep. She had got up,from bed after he had slept. Cried all night,alone in winter,as cold air made her shiver. She was lost.

That was Manorama Mallik,the hello hi bye bye of Raizada household. The daughter in law who had no right to speak in her husband's,in law's matter. She had no right on her family, children. It was okay. She had accepted and maintained a facade. Yet why was she feeling it all crumbling? Why did it feel like,she had to show herself,her bare self,at least to her children now?

Manorama Mallik had spent restless night once again. Her heart was scared for no reason. Yet she had to be strong,this time. For it was not just her now. Two more girls will come. Probably from the same background as her. She did not wish for them to be like her.

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