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"Sir,someone from Gupta Sweets is here"said a worker to Arnav who was sitting on the big swing in the balcony and working on his laptop. He had important projects in hand to finish otherwise he would have opened the boxes and found what was inside them..

Still workoholic ASR was back. For one week,he had stopped looking at the boxes. He was very busy in his work..

"Send them in"he said and focused on the laptop..

"Hello sir"a voice chimed. It was very young. He wondered why would the owner of Gupta sweets bring a child..

He turned around and was silent. There was no child. Only a young woman stood. She was wearing a red dress. Had a bag across her body. Her hair was braided. She had applied oil may be. She was not the most beautiful girl he had met. In fact she was just a simple girl. Her cheap clothes,her shoes,bags,nothing matched him. Yet he wished to know her more. Something was different in her. May be his curiosity. After all he was a designer..May be he was tempted by the difference in her..

"Namaste Sir"she greeted again..

"Ohh..Hii"said Arnav coming back from his la la land..

He stood up..

"I am Khushi,Khushi Kumari Gupta. My baba said we are family cooks of Raizadas. If any memeber of Raizada family comes home,then we must provide whatever service we can. So here I am. Sir tell me,what would you like? We have all kinds of sweets in our shop. And if you want homecooked dishes such as alu poori,Methi ka saag,Paneer ki sabji,and lot more,then I,yours truely,can deliver the food in tiffin carrier.."continued Khushi..

Arnav was looking at her like he was looking at a ghost. She was talking to a stranger,for the first time. And she was talking like she knew him from ages..

"Miss Gupta,I would like home made food. And your sweets,I need a kg of each type when I leave. And do bring some sweets daily,8n two kgs and distribute them to workers"said Arnav,his tone still clam..

"Okay boss. By the way,the person who called us to inform us about you told your name is ASR. What is your name actually? And please call me Khushi. It means happiness. Sab Khushi Khushi hota hey"the bird chirped..

Arnav looked at her like she was an alien from another planet..
She doesnot know him..

"Okay. I am ASR. Arnav Singh Raizada. And Khushi,thank you for your work"he told her,wishing her to leave..

Yet something in him wished for her to stay.. Continue to talk..

"Arnavji..Thank you. Donot mind my chatters. I would go crazy if I stay silent and live a day without sweets. But Arnavji,you didnot tell me,what sweet do you like? We make Jalebi, Rasgulla,Petha,Imarti,Barfis,Gulab jamun,Gajar ka halwa,Laduu and lot more. But trust me,you would fall for the sweet delicacy called Jalebi and Rabri. It's personally my favorite. And my Jiji's cakes. She is an amazing cook,just like me.."continued the Titli of her buaji..

Arnav sighed..He was wondering,where am I,who am I..

"Khushi..I cannot have sweets. I am diabetic"said Arnav..

He watched her face. It fell upon realisation..

Then again he saw the twinkle was back..

"Donot worry Boss. Your truely KKG will make her special sugar free sweets for you..Let me tell you a secret.I am allergic to sugar too. Severe allergic. So I had to find a way to eat sweets. Life has so much bitterness. How can we not add additional flavour of sweetness and spicyness to it.."said Khushi with a dreamy look,perhaps thinking about her favourite ice cream or Jalebi..

"Khushi. Remember to not add spices much in my food. I cannot handle strong flavours.." Arnav warned..

He thought Khushi heard him,but our dear KKG was lost in her dream land,with her ice cream, golgappe,Jalebi and Salman Khan..

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