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Arnav looked at the muddy roads and banana plants. He looked at the coconut trees towering overhead. He looked at the people with tan skin,walking in Dhotis. It's a beauty of it's own. He had arrived late in the night. And the Ashram chief had let me stay how long he wished. His Dadi had a small cottage of her own. There was no air conditioning. It was a small house with simple kitchen and toilet. He had slept with his grandmother after a long time. She had cooked simple Dosa Sambhar for him. He was surprised how she cooked soemthing like that. Her white sarees, sandalwood paste dot on her forehead,gray hair and calmness told him she was in peace..

The moment he had reached,she was standing at the doorway,looking at the sky. It was darkening. It was about to rain. Yet it felt like she knew. The chief had told him while walking inside that she had been quitely Standing there for over a month. Every evening,she would stand there,eyes on road. They had asked her,and she had told them,someone would come,looking for her. It was almost time..

Arnav wondered why though. How would she even know..
That night he had asked her,how was she,and she had told,in peace..

Not happy,not sad,nothing,just in peace.

It had rained the whole night. He could not fall asleep. Mosquitos were biting him. Yet she had slept.

Next morning,she had told him to rest some more and left. He woke up late and freshened up. After having a brunch,he asked her about her health and some more..

She had asked him about Anjali and Amar,his uncle. He told her,how he threw.him out. She had sighed..

"Arnav,Amar had to throw you out,to keep you and Anjali safe..That palace,it has become haunted"Subhadra Devi told Arnav .

"How dadi?"Arnav asked..

"My husband died,daughter died. My sons had to drink,to gamble,to be safe. Your mother was influenced by someone,and killed herself,not even hearing the whole story. The person with whom Arvind wanted to fix Anjali's marriage was planning to sell her,to human traffickers after marriage..Arvind couldnot handle the burden of that mistake and the blames of Ratna and killed himself. My men found out Kamini and Dev had been released . Yet we didnot know they would still target my grandchildren. So after Arvind's death,we spread the news that Arvind really cheated on Ratna and both killed themselves. And Anjali's marriage was cancelled. Amar took the blame,and threw you both out. I left the ashram."explained the old lady..

Arnav was silent. He somewhere expected it. It was a thorough plan. Otherwise a family like his,where people like his Dadia nd Sristi lived,how would there be someone who would cheat his wife..

"Dadi,can you tell me more about Kamini? Why are they hell bent on destroying us?"asked Arnav..

The old lady got up and asked Arnav to take a walk outside. Sun was setting,birds were flying back home. Sky was slowly dressing herself in red,to wait for the stars and moon .

In the eyes of the old lady,were tales,unspoken,unheard..

Her faded eyes had kept them safe. She was looking at the horizon and was feeling herself flying,slowly yet steadily towards the past,long gone..

A past that has made her what she is. A past that had broken her so much that she still is scared of it..

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