Twenty Four

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"Dadi,Khushi told me to meet you at the Central Park at 7 in the evening"Arnav told his grandmother who was resting in her room after lunch.

She sat up straight. Central park,evening 7,she recalled the same time,same place,she had spend the best moments of her life with her daughter. That night when she had told her daughter how much she loves her..

Something was happening,yet she dared not think too much. She just prayed. Prayed her Sristi was back.

Arnav left her room,but he observed her reaction. What was happening around him,he wondered..Sudden changes in Khushi. The letters,diaries,something was going on.. He had never felt so unfamiliar..

Both Grandson and Grandmother reached the appointed place. They saw Khushi sitting on a bench. Subhadra Devi gasped. The familiar bench underneath that old tree by the pond was so familiar to her. Though Khushi looked nothing like her daughter,she somehow knew..

Arnav was looking at the changes in his Dadi. He was observing her every reaction..

"Arnav.. Come back when I call you through Khushi.. I need to talk to her alone"said Subhadra Singh Raizada,her tone non negotiable..

Arnav was surprised. He recalled Khushi's words. Even though he wished to stay,he left. Actually he felt,even though something about Khushi was strange,he was attracted to,still Sristi was Dadi's daughter. She had more right on matters related to her..

Subhadra watched Arnav turn and live. Slowly she walked towards the bench. Khushi turned towards her. She knew when Arnav reached there. Yet she waited patiently..

Subhadra Devi observed the young woman before her. She was nothing like her daughter. Yet her eyes,they had the same indifference in them.

"Sristi.."Subhadra Devi called out..

Khushi stood up.. Her eyes had tears in them. She was choking..

Subhadra Devi pulled her close. Khushi smiled. The old lady was still strong. And her arms made her fill safe..

How many years it had been,she wondered. How long has it been that Sristi left,never returning. How many years had it been that her family crumbled infront of her eyes..

"You Missy,why did you leave like that? Do you know how much it hurt to know that you cannot even find peace in home?"asked Subhadra Devi in anger..

"Maa..Do you really think I would leave you alone,to fight this world? To face Everything? Am I that cruel in your eyes? Someone who leaves her lifeline alone?"Khushi asked. Her voice breaking..

Subhadra Devi nodded no. There was no commoner girl,no queen of royal family there. There were just Mother and daughter..

"I knew something happened. Something strange. Tell me,why did you leave like that?"asked the mother,after calming down..

Khushi told her everything,from the time Dhruv met her,to Anand's interference,to the fake death of Kamini and Dhruv..

Subhadra Devi sat there. Silent. She kept listening.

Khushi continued. She told her everything,every little detail. Whatever happened to her,who did what,till the very end,she kept telling her,her story. She kept recalling and adding the details. An hour,how it passed,both didnot know..

Subhadra Devi was silent,too silent. Then she asked about Khushi as herself..

Khushi told her about her life,who she was,what she did,her silly days,her pain,her heart,she poured it out. It felt like that time,Shristi Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta became one. She was Khushi,the simple girl with a very small world. Yet she was Sristi,the calculative,cunning princess of Raizada clan..

Khushi too was feeling something different. She felt like she was a new person all together. Her heart was calm. There were wounds,too many. Yet she was calm. There were storms heading her ways,in the face of Pranjan,and unknown enemy was still lurking behind.

Yet she was brave. Because she was not alone. She had her mother with her..And she had Arnav,no matter if he knows or not. His existence was enough for her to stand up..

Subhadra Devi told her about Arnav. Arnav's life. She laughed. Watching him doing things that he said he didnot like once upon a time,she smiled. Yet she promised to herself that if Arnav ever feel that she is worthy,she would be there,for him.

At least Arnav Singh Raizada would not judge her in everything. And if by God's grace he can recognise her,then she would be the happiest..

Khushi called Arnav after an hour was almost over. She too had to go home,or Guptas would worry. And Pranjal was calling her again and again..

Arnav came to pick his grandmother up. She left not before a promise to call her. She said she was going to buy a phone then itself and call her..

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