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"Jiji,come fast or we will be late"screamed Khushi for nth time. But Payal was busy finding her favorite dupatta,the one that he had bought for her. Thinking of him out a bright smile on her face. That man with spectacles was so cute. He was too tall for her,she had to be on her toes to reach his neck. His smile was genuine.

Yet she shivered. The thought of another man was making her scared. One man with just his presence was enough to make her smile. Yet another was a constant in her life,yet all he caused was destruction in her life. Yes,finally Payal Gupta,miss Indisicive had finally come to an conclusion. She finally saw things through. Yet just like Khushi she was scared too. Long lasting relationship leave a scar in heart. And a long relationship is more like a familial relation. Where your every secret,the other person knows you inside out.

"Ohh ho Jiji. Where are you lost. Let's go. We ar getting late for Aarti"said Khushi and noticed her sister looking at that blue dupatta,simple yet elegant,with some pink flowers embroidered on it..

"Jiji..Who is he?"Khushi asked her sister..

"Akash"Payal said subconsciously..

Khushi was stunned. Was he the same Akash they were talking about. She prayed so.

"Khushi..It's just that the colour of the sky. Is this dupatta not looking like that?"said Payal trying to control the situation..

"Ohh.. Colour of the sky .Is it..But our sky is not pink..Still okay. Jiji..Let's go na.. "said Khushi hurrying Payal..

Payal smiled and walked out,putting on her dupatta. She had worn a white dress to wear that dupatta. Khushi had worn a faded yellow dress. Both walked out,towards the temple,their destination and destiny calling for them..

"Khushi you go ahead. I will buy some things to offer to Devi Maa. Then will join you"said Payal and started walking towards the vendor selling Puja things. Khushi wanted to stop her,yet she had no reasons to. So she too walked inside. Her heart was drumming,in eagerness to meet her Arnav..

"Bhai..Whom are you waiting for. And what are you doing here in temple?"asked Akash as they waited for Khushi and Payal..

"Akash..There are few things I need to tell you. I am in love. Her name is Khushi. I  here to meet her"said Arnav. There was no need to tell Akash about the past.

"Ohh..What..."Akash screamed. Arnav almost jumped out of his skin. He somewhat expected it. Still,he was scared..

"You..Arnav Singh Raizada,are in love..Are you sure? Bhai.. When was your last medical check up? Are your reports all right..."Akash babbled..

"Yes. .My reports are all right. Akash. What is so strange about me being in love? "asked Arnav a little irritated..

"Bhai.. You are asking me this. How many models,supermodels,big name celeb s are waiting for you. Even some male stars asked Aman and me about your dates"said Akash..

Arnav looked at him like he was looking at an idiot..

"Akash..Are you an Idiot? I said I am in love. Not dating or fling. IN LOVE..All I capital,with underlined"said Arnav gritting his teeth..

"Okay Boss. You are in love. You are in love. Great ASR is in love.."Akash continued to chant making Arnav want to hit him on head..

"But Bhai..Are you sure? I mean you,love..In..These just does not fit"Akash asked still in daze..

"Akash Mallik..I will throw you out of the car and run you over if you donot stop"said Arnav..

Akash put his finger on his lips,signalling truce to which Arnav nodded no,at his childish act..

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