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"Sanjana and Dev had came. Anand had confronted them. Fool of a man. Doesnot even hear me once. How could he play with his own life like that. My life is already over. Maa has completed the preparation of sending Amar and Arvind away. Now all we had to do was wait,for my end and everything would end with me. Yet that brat of a man had to go and confront them. Now I have to work in taking Raichands down with me. We will go down together. Be it them going to jail or hell..

Dev told me,he quite liked me. If I was not Subhadra Singh Raizada 's daughter,if I was not Sristi Singh Raizada,If I didnot have Amarendra Singh Raizada's blood in me,then he would have requested his mom to spare me.

Sanjana told,she never loved Anand. He was just a pawn to harm me. It was senior Gupta through whom they had poisoned us. And he didnot even knew it. His most trusted assistant was bought by Raichands .

We were standing,facing the idol in our family temple. Behind them stood Police and Anand and Dev's wife.  We had sent someone to monitor the Raichands after Anand Gupta told us the truth. The police was aware. They had been near our home all the time. Dev and Sanjana were arrested. Kamini and Mr Raichand shooted themselves.. Senior Mr Gupta had cardiac arrest and died. Anand was heartbroken. He was used well. His heart that was beating for me was used so well by Sanjana. She gathered information about Anand's likings, dislikes from me. And won over him. Yet heart wants what it wants."

Arnav closed the note book. The rest were on how she feels,where was the pain etc. Her end was approaching..

The last box,she had written,only Anand would know it's password. It was number locked..

Who was Anand Gupta? Arnav slept with that thought in his mind .

Next day Arnav was sitting in the garden,eating some snacks when his eyes fell on the packet.
Gupta Sweets..

Then it hit him. Did not Khushi tell him,they were family chef of Raizada's?

He ran inside and took his phone. Dialling the number on the packet he waited with bated breathe.

"Hello...This is KKg from Gupta Sweets. Who is this?"asked Khushi..

"Khushi this is Arnav. Arnav Singh Raizada. I have something urgent to discuss with you. Can you come to Sheesh Mahal?"asked Arnav..

Khushi was like,what the hell...

"Look Mr Raizada. It's day time. And I am al alone in my shope. My jeeji is home. babuji  has gone out. And I cannot shut my business for you..Work time is work time,... Understand?"said the filmy Gupta and kept the receiver..

Again the phone rang..

"Khushi,then would you like it If I come there?"asked Arnav.

Though he was angry at that behaviour of Khushi,he had to find out what was in the last box. And he had to find the damn Anand Gupta..

"No need.I would go there tomorrow to give you food.Then we will talk"said Khushi and again cut the call..

The phone rang next moment.Khushi was angry..

"I donot wish to see your face. Stop disturbing me. You rich people have no manners. Only know how to act like spoilt brats..."express Gupta kept on going ..

"Khushi....What are you talking?"asked Payal from the other side..

Finally Khushi calmed it was her sister. Both chatted a bit and finally angrybird Gupta was calm and happy. .

Yet on the other side our angry dragon was breathing fire. How dare a chit of girl insult him. He would show her,who he is..

Just wait until I find out everything. If you have any relation with Anand Gupta then I would destroy every bit of you..

Someone afar laughed..Who would you destroy?

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