Twenty Seven

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Arnav and Aman heard everything. Both sat with Amita for a long time. Early morning the doctor came out and told them that her father was safe. But his legs were broken and hands had ligaments torn. It would take time to recover..

Arnav talked to the doctor. Aman had already called someone and arranged security for Amar. Arnav looked at Amita..
He called a nurse and she stiched her forehead. She sat there numbly..

Arnav took Amita home. His Dadi had gone out to the front garden to collect flowers. The basket fell from her hands watching her grandchild in bloodied clothes .

Arnav took both inside and called for Hp to take Amita to Dadi's room. She needed to freshen up and rest..

Arnav sat with his Dadi.. He told her what Amita had told. He watched as the colour faded from her face..

"Dadi,you said we have no enemy. Even Sristi's diary told me,there was no enemy. Yet Amar chachu is almost dead. I donot even dare to imagine what Amita would have faced"Arnav's tone was dead serious..

"Arnav,in two days,we are going to Khushi's home,with proposal"Dadi said out of the blue. Arnav was about to hit his head somewhere. Here he is telling her about something else and there she is talking about his marriage..

"Dadi. I cannot put Khushi's life in risk,by marrying her. Our family is in danger. And we have to face it ourselves. Why would you push her into this mess?"asked Arnav angry..

" Because Khushi is going to be your wife. And she will be safe here with us. We will keep her safe"told his dadi adament..

Arnav got up from the sofa. He was about to loose his mind..

"Dadi,dadi.. The world is not as simple as you think. Our family is in danger. I am their first Target. My life is always in danger. I work out. My life is always in open. Why would you tell me now that I have to marry some girl,when my own family is in danger"said Arnav. Though he tried his best to control his anger,his voice was tight..

Subhadra Devi knew what Arnav was saying was right according to him . Yet he had to understand that Khushi was in danger. Not just as Sristi. Her being a Gupta was already putting her in danger..

She was not ready to loose her daughter again.

"Arnav Singh Raizada, listen to me for once and all. You are going to marry Khushi as soon as possible and we are going back to Delhi. You are Arnav,The ASR. Fix your attitude. You are not some weak,whiny child who needs someone to cajole him,to tell him what to do. You should be always ready for any unexpected situations. You are telling me that now you are going to not marry Khushi,just because you are in danger,it makes me feel so great.. "said Dadi and stood up..

Arnav was standing there. Gone was his anger,gone was his questions. He really had to see himself. He is the ASR..If a woman like his Dadi,his Di,Khushi can stay calm,and trust him to handle the situation,then why cannot he..

Anjali was standing on the stairs listening to their talks .

She walked down as Dadi passed by her,signalling her to make Arnav understand that Khushi had to come..

"Chhote"Anjali called out .

Arnav came out of his trance..

"Di..Does Dadi really not understand? How can I pull Khushi to this whirlpool where I am standing? She is a simple girl. Her life is so simple. I have to face people,face media,face threats,face number of things. I never took it deeply. But now as I was Amita,Di,I cannot do it"Arnav whispered..

"Okay. Calm down. It's okay. I will make her understand. But chhote,take this two days,as time,think.. Close your eyes. And think of a world where Khushi doesnot exist. Where you stand infront of the altar,watching Khushi being married to someone else. Think Khushi in someone else arms. Think Khushi wearing vermillion,mangalsutra for someone else. Without trying to be someone great,someone who can sacrifice everything,just feel it. Feel it,Khushi disappearing from your hands like sands.. Chhote,these two days,feel it. Think nothing. No Arnav Singh Raizada,no ASR. Just Arnav. Let go of your responsibility, identity. Everything. Just stand infront of yourself and see,hear what your heart says. Be honest with yourself. And tell me your choice. I will.myself tell Dadi that I don't like Khushi"Anjali told Arnav..

Arnav listened to her. He watched her live. He walked upstair. He bathed. But all it was running in his mind was the words that his Di said..

But he doesnot even like Khushi. He just felt like marrying her. He does not even know her much.. Then why would he be scared of Khushi leaving? Who was Khushi to him?

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