A word from the writer

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Thank you all so much for reading The Osborn Curse till the very end! You have no idea how much this means to me!

Exactly a year ago on this day 6-10-14 was the first chapter published and now 6-10-15 so is the last. (not that you should care though :P )

I loved writing this book and I hope that you all loved it too. I'd love to hear your opinion :D

So yeah, basically I don't know what to say but THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS BOOK!!

I cannot believe how many reads this book has got. When I first started writing I thought it might got like 500 reads, but it's now over the 10K ~(*o*)~

This is how it all ends Harry...Kind of sad actually... But hey life's a beach.

You didn't seriously think I was telling you the truth, right?

Of course it doesn't ends like this for him.

The sequel is available now and it's called; The Sinister Six (Harry Osborn FanFiction)

So once again thank you true believers!!

I can finally push that 'completed story' button :D

The Osborn Curse ©
By LittleFreaky13

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