Chapter eighteen - Long time no see

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Peter got off the ground and brushed the dust if his clothes. They looked at each other with their mouths open.

"Peter Parker, it's like seeing a ghost" Harry said. "Hi Harry" Peter said. Peter's backpack lied all open on the ground, his books lied out of along with some papers.

Harry walked to Peter's backpack and putted the books and papers back in the backpack. He looked at one one of the papers 'Room wanted' it said.

"You're looking for a room?" Harry asked. "Yeah" Peter said and he snatched the backpack out of Harry's hand.

"I gotta go!" Peter said and he walked away from Harry"Why are you acting like this?" Harry asked.

Peter stopped with walking and turned around to Harry. "Why am I acting like this, why are you acting like this?" Peter said. "What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"You suddenly disappeared six years ago without saying anything at all, and now you expect that I should just accept that?" Peter said pissed off.

"I'm sorry, but I had no choice..My dad sent me to a boarding school in Chicago.." Harry said. "Wait..He sent you away?" Peter asked with a calmer voice.

Harry nodded and Peter walked back to him. "I'm sorry man...I just got a lot on my mind lately, I shouldn't have taken it out on you" Peter said.

Harry walked away from Peter and sighed. Peter turned around and walked off as well. "You got your braces off..Now there's nothing distracting your uni brown" Harry said smiling.

Peter turned around smiling and walked over to Harry and gave him a hug. "I missed you buddy" Peter said. "I missed you too" Harry said.

"So how were this here?" Harry asked. "Kind of crazy I guess, have you heard about Dr.Connors yet?" Peter asked. "Yeah I have, and something with spider dudes flying around in New York" Harry said.

"One actually, just one Spider-Man or woman we don't know.. for sure.." Peter said. "Whatever dude, he wears spandex to rescue kittens out of trees" Harry said laughing.

"I like to think that he gives people hope..that eventually everything will be alright" Peter said.

"You really seem to like him" Harry said. "Yeah I do" Peter said. "So when did you decide to come back to New York?" Peter asked. "Oh problems... How about you, did you ever figured out why your parents bailed?" Harry asked.

"No, they left me a briefcase, a briefcase full of junk. That's all they ever left me, a briefcase full of junk" Peter said. "Yeah..The sins of the fathers..." Harry said as he looked Peter in the eyes.

The bell rang and the students walked back inside. "I'll see you after school okay?" Peter said. "Okay! Oh and Peter, are you still looking for a room?" Harry asked smiling.

"We'll talk about it after school" Peter said smiling and he walked back inside. Harry walked inside as well and looked around for classroom 009. He looked to his right and saw Mary Jane walking all alone.

Harry speed walked to her. "Hi MJ!" Harry said. "Oh hi Harry!" MJ said. "Do you like the school so far?" MJ asked. "Yeah, it's so much better than my previous school" Harry said.

"MJ, we have a free track, wanna go outside?" Flash asked. Harry turned around and saw that Flash was standing right behind him.

"Hey aren't you that kid from outside?" Flash asked. "N-No.." Harry said. "Good! Now, stay away from my girlfriend!" Flash said and he pushed Harry aside. Flash putted his arm around Mary Jane. "Prick" Harry whispered.

"Did you say something!?" Flash yelled at Harry. "No" Harry said and he entered classroom 009. Harry went to six other classes until school was over.

Harry walked out of the classroom and into the hallway to his locker. He had tons of homework and no backpack to carry the books in. "Hi Harr!" Peter said.

Harry turned around to Peter and smiled. "Just a second" Harry said and he lifted the pile of books. "Do you need any help?" Peter asked. "No I got it" Harry said.

The pile of books in Harry's hand started to twitch and fell out of his hands. Peter stretched out his hands and grabbed all the books before they hit the ground.

"Dude, nice reflexes!" Harry said laughing. "Thanks!" Peter said smiling. "So what's up with that room?" Harry asked.

"I just need to have a place for myself... I can't live in the house of my aunt forever" Peter said. "Don't you mean the house of your aunt and uncle?" Harry asked.

Peter's smile disappeared and he looked down at his feet. "My uncle about six moths ago...." Peter said. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know" Harry said and he felt horrible for asking about him. "It's okay, you couldn't know.." Peter said.

"I was actually looking for a room myself...maybe we can share it?" Harry asked to Peter. "Really?" Peter asked. "Sure, why don't you come over to my place so we can search online" Harry said. "Sure! Should we take the bus or are we walking?" Peter said.

"You're kidding right?" Harry said laughing. "" Peter said. Harry started to walk to the door and Peter followed him.

In front of the school was a black limousine standing, the same one in which Harry arrived. "Enter" Harry said smiling as he pointed to black door. "You're serious?" Peter asked laughing.

"Of course I'm serious" Harry said. Peter opened the door and sat down in the back with Harry. "There sure are a lot of students looking at us" Peter said.

"I know, but you just ignore them and think; I'm too fabulous for you" Harry said laughing.

'Is that Peter Parker with that new kid?''Why is he with him?' Students all around the limousine said.

"Good afternoon sir, where to?" Bernard said. "Home" Harry said. Bernard started the engine and they drove off.

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