Chapter thirty - Acquaintance

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"We have the power now!" Harry whispered. Peter looked at Harry in confusion and shook his head. "We?" Peter asked.

"If I get Spider-Man's blood I will be able to save my life. Not just mine, lives of others! You saw the video, they almost had the solution, we have the further knowledge. We could heal them, we could be heroes... we could finish what our fathers started .." Harry said very pursuing.

Peter sighed and walked towards the door.

"We literally can change the world!" Harry yelled as Peter walked out of the office.

Harry rushed over to Peter and blocked the door. "Harry...I really gotta go.." Peter said with a very annoyed tone.

"No wait! I haven't told you about this.." Harry said as he got interrupted by Peter. "No, please not now" Peter said and he pushed Harry aside.

"I've found out something about your father..." Harry said. Peter's eyes looked up instead of down and he and he turned around to Harry. "What are you talking about?" Peter asked disbelieving.

Harry signed at Peter that he had to come to Harry's desk. Peter walked to the desk and sighed. Harry lied the grey cube on his desk and showed another file. "What is this?" Peter asked with his mouth dropped open.

The file showed pictures of Richard Parker holding a file tightly in his right hand as he got inside of a black car. "Does this looks familiar?" Harry asked.

"No" Peter said and looked straight at Harry. Harry zoomed in and a small head became visible in the middle of the car.

" did you get this?" Peter asked. Everything became clear now, that small head in the middle of the car was Peter. "My dad had this on his hardware. I don't know why, but he was obsessed with your father" Harry said and he picked the cube of the table.

"I read a file before you arrived. It seemed like my dad wanted to use your father's formula's and research to build some sort of superior indefatigable army. I still don't know what he was talking about, but I do know that he would do anything to get that formula" Harry said.

"Like maybe kill them? Peter asked angry. Peter recently found out that his parents died in a fatal plane crash. That's why he never heard of them, after they left him at uncle Ben and aunt May's place.

"No, well....No..I guess.." Harry said. He did just say that his father would do anything to get that research, but kill them. "Oh you guess..Nobody knows what happen, but they all have the same answer...'I guess'..." Peter said upset.

"Pete, I know it for sure. My dad was driven, maybe even obsessed but he would never hurt him. They were partners for crying out loud!" Harry said as he raised his voice.

"I'm sorry, I can't take this right now.." Peter said and he walked out of the room.

"Are--are you done--With talking..?" Felicia asked to Peter. "He's all yours. ." Peter said half frozen. Felicia looked as Peter walked away.

"Hey, have we met before. I just have this feeling that we've met before" Felicia said. Peter turned around and walked over to Felicia. "No, not that I'm aware of" Peter said absent-minded.

"Well, I'm Felicia Hardy. You are?" Felicia said as she shook Peter's hand. "I'm Peter.." Peter said, something about her handshake didn't feel right. "Peter?" Felicia said smiling. "Oh, uh Parker. Peter Parker" Peter said smiling.

He was so absent minded and blinded by her ocean blue eyes that he forgot to announce his name well.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Peter Parker" Felicia said with her eye blinding smile. "Yeah, it was nice to meet you too" Peter said and he waved his hand to Felicia as sign that was going to leave.

Peter barely took a step away from Felicia when he turned around again. "I know what you meant though, it's like I've heard your voice before" Peter said.

Peter has an excellent memory for faces, but he has never seen Felicia and if Peter Parker had never met her. It would mean that Spider-Man had, which couldn't be good.

Spider-Man's acquaintances weren't your typically townsfolk, they were pure and pure evil.

Every person Spider-Man had met wasn't exactly what you call 'friendly', they all had some sick way of trying to take over or rule the world. So if Peter had in fact met Felicia before it would mean that she too has a second life.

"Haha, I must have one of those...ordinary voices..." Felicia said laughing. "Yeah, maybe I'll see you next time.." Peter said very suspiciously.

Felicia waved her hand and walked into Harry's office. "Mr.Osborn?" Felicia asked with a high pitch voice. Harry lied with his head on his crossed arms on his desk.

"Mr.Osborn?" Felicia asked again while she stepped towards Harry. There was no response of Harry and Felicia started to worry, what if Harry and Peter fought and Harry got knocked out? Million questions ran through Felcia's head in hope that Harry would be okay.

Felicia stepped closer to Harry and softly pored him on his back of his head. "What..?" Harry said half asleep. "Mr.Osborn, are...are you okay?" Felicia asked softly. Harry got his head of his arms and sat up straight.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little bit tired, that's all" Harry said as he rubbed in his eyes. "Can I get you some coffee, sir?" Felicia asked, she was relieved that Harry was unharmed.

Felicia looked at Harry who was rubbing in his eyes. Her eyes grew wider and she got this feeling that she couldn't describe. She was worried yet frightened at the same time, she saw Harry's arms and she didn't know what to think.

Felicia was the assistant of his father, and knew a lot about him and his disease. She had seen Norman when his disease had increased and it kind of looked the same as Harry's arms.

"No, I..I.." Harry said as he looked at the clock on the wall. "Shit, I'm already running late. Felicia cancel all my appointments for today, thank you!" Harry said and he grabbed his coat of the wooden couch. "Yes, sir" Felicia said. Harry rushed to the door as Felicia watched him leave.

Harry stepped out of the main gate, onto the street. "Bernard?" Harry asked as she stopped walking. Right across Harry was Bernard sitting like a zombie behind the wheel of his limousine.

"You waited here all night?" Harry asked. "A good butler is always loyal, sir. Where to?" Bernard said smiling.

"Home, I've got to get out of these clothes" Harry said as he looked around, he thought that he whole world was staring at him.

Harry could practically feel that everyone was talking and about him, when clearly nobody payed any attention to Harry at all.

"Sir, are you feeling well?" Bernard asked, and he reached out his hand. Harry dodged his hand and blinked his eyes.

"No--I mean No-- I don't know..Can we just go.." Harry said as he felt the world twisting and turning. "Right away, sir" Bernard said and he drove to Harry's house.

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