Chapter twenty-six - The Man In The Shadows

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''So she said; Back off and eat your breakfast!'' Peter said laughing. ''Really?'' Harry said laughing too. The elevator doors opened and Harry and Peter walked out of it.

''And I was like; Okay laundry sheriff'' Peter said. ''So why did you wash a flag?'' Harry asked as they walked into the lounge.

''Cause....It was dirty..'' Peter said and he looked quickly away. ''How..'' Harry said.

''Mr.Osborn, someone called....'' Bernard said as he appeared out of the hallway. Harry looked at Peter and Peter nodded. ''It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow'' Peter said and he waved Harry goodbye.

Harry walked to the phone and pushed on the voicemail button. 'Harry Osborn? This is Wilson Fisk, I want to make an offer.

If you're interested come and meet at the Oscorp tower, I'll be in your office' Wilson Fisk said.

"Bernard could you give me a lift to the Oscorp tower?" Harry asked. "Of course Mr.Osborn, right away" Bernard said.

''Thanks Bernard!'' Harry said and he rushed out of the car. ''Do I have to wait, sir?'' Bernard asked. ''Yes, this won't take long'' Harry said and he entered the Oscorp tower.

Harry walked to the help desk, which was hardly visible behind the endless queues. Harry squeezed himself through the queue and came closer to the help desk.

''Hey! Get in line just like everybody else'' A man in the queue said. ''Is there someone in the building named Wilson Fisk?'' Harry asked to the woman behind the desk.

''I'll check it, Mr.Osborn'' She said and she started to swap her hand on a large touch pad.

''Hey buddy, I was here first!'' The man in the queue said. Harry turned around and grinned at the man.

''That's right, you were here first--Now it's time to pack up and be the first to be  fired today " Harry said grinning.

The man paralyzed by Harry, he didn't knew that he was talking to his boss.

''No, Mr.Osborn please. I have a wife and three kids, please!'' The man bagged.

''Oh, lying? You're what? 20 maybe 21, you really think I'd believe that? It's just another reason to fire your sorry ass'' Harry said while he was still grinning at the man.

''Please, I beg of you! You know me!'' The man said and he bagged on his knees. Two security guards noticed that the man was sitting on the ground and walked to him. Harry raised his right hand to the guards and they stopped right behind him. ''What are you talking about?'' Harry asked.

''Don't you remember me? Chicago?'' The man asked. Harry frowned and shook his head slightly.

''C'mon you must! It's me Eddie, Eddie Brock. We were roommates for a day'' Eddie said smiling. ''I don't recall such a thing'' Harry said and he snapped his fingers.

''Take him out!'' Harry demanded. Eddie yelled and protested but the grip of the two guards was two tight. The guards literally threw him outside the Oscorp tower.

''He's at the 56th floor, Mr.Osborn'' The woman said as polite and strict as she could. ''Thank you'' Harry said and he made his way to the elevator.

'What floor?' Kari asked. ''50..56, please'' Harry said. 'Thank you' Kari said.

Harry walked in the hallway which looked completely normal again. The broken window was replaced and there was not a spot where it looked like it had been attacked, in fact it looked inhanced.

Harry walked passed his father's office and saw a big shape of the man sitting behind his father's old desk.

Harry walked in the office and looked around, the office had been modified the old black and blue furniture had been replaced by wooden and glass furniture.

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