Chapter thirty-six - Newhope Memorial Hospital

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The disease I have, it's genetic.. Retroviral Hyperplasia.....We've implanted human DNA directly into the spider's blood stream ....Cross-Species Genetics......

Araneus Oscorpeus.... Spider venom...I know about your father's little secret...your secret..Oscorp's Body armor exoskeleton... Has your hand started to twitch yet? When you lay awake and you feel it coming, hiding under your skin, waiting to show itself. To show you who you really are!

Hundreds of words rushed through Harry's mind, all bad, insulting, and linked. ''Stop! Stop!'' Harry yelled. ''Harry? Join me...'' A creepy high pitch voice said. Harry turned around, all he could see was darkness and those words, those terrible words.

The words looked like they were trapped in some kind of spiderweb. ''Who said that?'' Harry said as he looked around in circles. ''A friend'' The voice said again. ''What?'' Harry asked. Two bright emerald green eyes appeared out of nowhere and studied Harry accurately.

Harry looked in fright at the enormous emerald green eyes, which were surprisingly disturbing. A gigantic smirk appeared right underneath the eyes, which made the eyes even more terrifying. ''Soon...'' The smirk said. ''Soon?'' Harry asked still frightened.

The eyes looked vicious at Harry and the smirk started to laugh like a maniac. Harry held his hands for his ears, but his hands could not dim that horrible maniac laughter. ''No!!'' Harry yelled.

''Whoah, woah! Easy buddy'' A familiar voice said. Harry opened his eyes and immediately got blinded by a bright light. ''Peter is that you?'' Harry asked as he held his hand above his eyes, so he could see. ''Yeah, how are you feeling?'' Peter asked.

''Yeah I guess so...Where are we?'' Harry asked soft. ''The Newhope Memorial Hospital'' Peter said. Harry shook his head slightly and tried to sit up straight. ''I think that it's better if you...'' Peter said as he got interrupted by Harry.

''Pete, I'm fine'' Harry said. Harry sat up straight and looked at the white sheets, his head was pounding like somebody was constantly shooting a football at his head. ''What happened?'' Harry asked as he tried to focus on Peter instead of his unbearable headache.

''We were at a convention, at the Bugle.. There was fire..And you couldn't make it out on time..'' Peter said not looking at Harry.

Harry mouth dropped open and he eyes slowly gazed upon his arms, which were wrapped in thick layer of bandage. ''What--Oh my god, happened to my arms? Did I get burned!?" Harry asked. ''No! Of course not--I-- I thought that..Well you know, with your condition--It--" Peter said smiling soft.

It took Harry some second to get what Peter was saying but he understood it afterwards. ''Thanks Pete, you're a real pal'' Harry said smiling. ''No problem'' Peter said laughing.

''Peter?'' A voice asked. Peter looked at the hallway and saw that his aunt was standing there in nursing clothing. ''Aunt May? What are you doing here?'' Peter asked surprised.

''What am I doing here? What are you doing here?'' Aunt May asked and she walked into the room. Peter smiled at her and pointed to Harry. ''Hi! I'm Harry, nice to finally meet you'' Harry said as he gave aunt May a handshake. ''Finally?'' Aunt May asked.

Peter responded immediately and smiled at aunt May. ''Aunt May, this is Harry Osborn'' Peter said smiling. Aunt May started to smile brightly and shook Harry's hand again. ''It's so nice to finally meet you! Peter talks about you all the time'' Aunt May said full of joy.

Harry had never met aunt May before, because his father wouldn't allow it. Norman only allowed Harry to got to school and come back home right after. He wasn't allowed to go to birthdays or any event what wasn't from or sponsored by Oscorp

Harry looked uncomfortable at Peter who bit on his lip. ''So aunt May, what are you doing here?'' Peter asked curious. Aunt May looked at Peter and smiled.

''Oh to earn some extra money, no need to worry though. It's just a little extra for in the cookie jar'' Aunt May said smiling.

Harry was looking and listening to the conversation of Peter and Aunt May, when he felt a sharp pain in his neck which disappeared after a few seconds. Harry shook his head and combed thought his hair with his right arm. ''What the hell?'' Harry whispered.

His arms were glowing, not warm, not sweating, they were glowing. Harry looked at his arms, his hands were twitching along with his arms. The glowing feeling got replaced by a horrible burning feeling which didn't seem to go away.

Harry slowly got out of his hospital bed and tried to keep his balance. Peter noticed that Harry was standing and stood up to support him. ''What are you doing?'' Peter asked as he tried to keep Harry in balance.

''I need to go, Pete. I need to go home'' Harry said exhausted. ''Why don't you sit down and we'll talk about it'' Peter suggested. ''Peter, I just wanna go home!'' Harry said loud. ''You want to go home like this?'' Peter asked.

Harry was wearing one of those typical white hospital shirts. Harry sighed and lent against the white wall. ''I have clothes for you, you know. Bernard brought them, he's waiting for you outside'' Peter said laughing.

''Thanks Pete'' Harry said smiling. Peter opened his backpack and grabbed Harry's clothes and shoes out of it. He handed the clothes to Harry who went into the small bathroom in the corner of the room.

The first thing he did was remove those terrible bandages, his skin underneath was still filled with black veins but that was it, there were no burn marks or wounds. He undressed himself and dressed himself again with his normal clothes.

A simple black shirt, a leather jacket, grey jeans and black boots.  He got out of the bathroom and walked to aunt May. ''It was a pleasure to meet you'' Harry said as he shook her hand. Aunt May smiled brightly at Harry and looked at peter.

''Well, I'll see you soon, Peter'' Harry said and he waved Peter goodbye. Harry walked out of the room and into the hallway. ''That's a nice boy'' Aunt May said to Peter. ''Yeah...'' Peter said smiling.

Harry walked out of the hospital and onto the streets. The sunshine of the sunrise reflected from skyscrapers to sky crabber making a dazzling sight. Harry walked to the parking lot of the hospital and saw Bernard standing next to the limousine.

Harry walked to Bernard and smiled to him. ''Harry! Thank heaven that you're okay!'' Bernard said relieved. ''Yeah, can we go?'' Harry asked. ''Of course!'' Bernard said and he opened the door for Harry.

Bernard stepped in and sat down in the front seat and started the engine as Harry sat in the backseat. ''Bernard, my car is still at the Daily Bugle, can you pick it up later?'' Harry asked. ''Yes, sir''Bernard said as they drove off.

Bernard and Harry arrived at the mansion and both got out of the limousine. Bernard got out first and opened the door for Harry. ''Could I assist you, sir?'' Bernard asked. ''No! I can walk myself'' Snarled Harry and he gave Bernard the keys of the Lamborghini.

Bernard got in the limousine and drove to the garage. Harry walked to the door of his house and unlocked it. He walked to the elevator and went inside of it. The doors opened and Harry walked to the lounge, he sat down on a couch and took his leather jacket of and lied it down next to him.

He looked at his hand who were twitching, no matter what he tried he could not make the twitching stop. He lied down on the couch and closed his eyes. ''Some sleep will do me good'' Harry thought as he tried to let go off all his worries for jsut a few minutes.

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