Chapter thirty-four - The Daily Bugle

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"Smooth..Who was that?" Peter asked. Harry looked hazy at Peter, his body all twitching.

"Nobody you know, but wait I know her. Does that mean you know her too? What kind of parallel universe is this!?......What am I doing here?" Harry asked laughing and swaying on his feet.

Peter looked weird at Harry, for suddenly bursting into a laughter. "Uh.The Daily Bugle's convention...Have you been drinking?" Peter asked, as he smelled the strong liquor smell of which came of Harry's clothes. Harry smiled and held his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Just a little.." Harry whispered into Peter's ear. Peter looked questioning at Harry.

"What..?" Harry asked laughing as he lent on Peter. "How much?" Peter asked without any emotion.

"How much what?" Harry asked smiling. "How much liquor" Peter said still without emotion. "About half....a bottle...of Whiskey. ." Harry said laughing.

"You drove while you drank a half bottle of liquor?" Peter asked concerned. Harry nodded and smiled brightly with his white teeth.

"You could have hurt people! Do you know how irresponsible that is!? " Peter screamed out angry.

Harry's smile disappeared instantly and he looked threatened at Peter.

"Irresponsible, you wanna talk about irresponsibility....Have you spoken to Spider-Man yet?" Harry asked while frowned.

Peter sighed and walked towards the entrance. ''Oh so that's it...Now tell me who's responsible..'' Harry said as he walked to the entrance as well.

''Let's just....Have a good time....It's for both of us..'' Peter said as he smiled at Harry, who looked irritated.

Harry and Peter walked into the Daily Bugle. The party is was being held in the lobby where the journalist or photographers would ask for permission to submit the article or photo they had.

They had to get permission from the desk in the lobby to go to the boss, J. Jonah Jameson also known as JJJ.

Peter worked as a freelancer for Mr.Jameson he would take pictures of Spider-Man being as heroic as he could possible be and Mr.Jameson would just mock on him.

Mr.Jameson never liked Spidey, in his opinion Spider-Man was a menace who threatened the city. Even though he was trying to protect and save innocent people.

Mr.Jameson was one heck of a guy, once he had something in his mind he couldn't wait to let the world know about his opinion.

Because in the end his and only his opinion would be on the cover of the newspaper.

It only happened twice that he didn't had it his way. His partner, Joe Robertson also known as Robbie threatened to quit if Mr.Jameson didn't gave Spider-Man credit after that he stopped the Lizard.

Mr.Jameson may look and act like a complete maniac, but deep down inside he loves every one around him.

The second time was a few days ago when Spider-Man defeated Vermin, Robbie insisted that JJJ would say that what Spidey did was a heroic act.

Mr.Jameson was about two minutes away from the deadline and had no other choice than printing the cover, which Robbie demanded.

Mr.Jameson was first mocking about it, but when the Daily Bugle's papers started to sell even better, decided he to thank Robbie instead of nagging about Robbie's opinion about Spider-Man.

The Daily Bugle was sort of out of business, because of Mr.Jameson's outspoken opinion about Spider-Man. New York loved Spidey, so why would anybody want to read about some pissed off man who wad mocking on him.

Mr.Jameson never doubted the fact that Spider-Man was a menace, even after all the times he saved New York.

People around him told him several times that Spider-Man was there to protect the innocents, even his son John Jameson said so.

John Jameson was unlike his father a fan of Spidey, he respected him, thought he was a hero instead of a menace. John Jameson was nothing like his father, except for one thing.

He got what he wanted, no matter what. John's dream is to become an astronaut and he would become that no matter what. John is still in high school right now, in fact the same high school as Peter.

John is great at almost everything, sports, maths, crafts, languages, almost everything. He was a born astronaut.

Gwen and John had been close friends for a very long time. John and Gwen used to help each other with homework, even though they were both top of their classes.

The party which was held by Gwen in the building, was all thanks to John who convinced his father that it Gwen should throw her party there.

When Mr.Jameson first heard John asking about the the party he burst into a laughter, even when John wasn't fooling around.

John told him that all the kids Gwen would invite would read the Bugle, which meant more costumers, so more profit. Mr.Jameson agreed as long as John would insure that nothing would happen to his building, and of course agreed John.

John wasn't the kind of guy who would destroy a building, he was way to responsible for that.

When John told Gwen the news that she could throw a party at the Daily Bugle, she flipped. Gwen immediately started to design and print invites and gave them to everyone she knew, in particular Peter Parker.

Gwen always had a soft spot for Peter, she thought it was just a silly crush. It was indeed, until Peter and Gwen actually decided to talk to each other. They finally got together after years of secretively loving and observing each other.

Gwen and Peter were inseparable, except for the times that he had to ''go''. Gwen is still unaware of the fact that Peter Parker, Spider-Man is.

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