Chapter forty-eight -This is who I am

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''Where am I? What is this? Why can't I see?''

The dripping of water drops echoed through a hallow space. The silent between each drop seemed to be ever lasting. Each drop rammed into Harry's ears as the sound of thunder leaving nothing but a screeching rustle behind. ''Hello? Anyone please! I can't see!'' Harry yelled, but without any response. He was sitting on his knees, that's was the only thing he could feel. His kneels touching a cold hard ground.

''What happened? How-'' A sudden trampling came echoed through the hallow space. ''Hello! I'm in here! Please help me. I don't know what's going on!'' He yelled.

Harry could hear a soft clanking on his left. ''Please help me!'' He cried out.

As the clanking became louder a dazzling bright white light beam lighted up the room. ''Please, is anybody out there?'' He asked carefully. He squeezed his eyes shut, but the light was so dazzling that it even blinded him when he closed his eyes. Two footsteps clacked onto the floor of the room along with the breathing of another person.

''What do you want from me? Where am I?'' Harry said. He slowly opened his eyes to see who was in front of him but got blinded by the light again. ''All in good time'' The black figure in front of Harry said. ''Please, let me go. I don't even know why I'm here or where I am!'' He said. ''Is the light bothering you?'' The figure asked nicely. Harry nodded slowly and held his head down. The figure snapped it's fingers and the light started to dim. ''Better?''

''Why am I here?'' Harry asked. He opened his eyes slowly, he could feel that his eyes were adjusting to the light as soon as he opened them. In front him stood a tall man, it looked as if he was wearing a assuming white trench coat and hat but it was hard to see because the shadowing of the light. ''Why? You seriously don't remember? Oh, this is even better than I would've imagine'' The man chuckled.

''I don't even know where I am! How could I possible know why I'm somewhere when I don't even know where I am!'' Harry yelled. He looked ''You are at the Ravencroft Institute for the criminally insane. Happy now?'' The man said smiling. Harry could tell because his teeth were inhumanly white. It was almost as if they lit up.''No! What am I doing here. Who are you!?'' Harry snarled.

The man cleared his throat and kneeled down to Harry's height. ''You might know by the title the world's most successful and most richest fashion designer. But you can call me Kingsley, Roderick Kingsley as in Kingsley Internationals. Don't you remember my name from tv, magazines and of course social media?'' Roderick asked smirking. ''No. I don't remember anything at all!'' Harry said.

"What do you mean with you don't remember anything at all?" Roderick asked. "I. I-" Harry stuttered. "What?" Roderick asked and he stood up. "I don't know who you are and I don't know how you know me" He said softly. "How come?" Roderick asked. "Because-" Harry said and he looked up at Roderick. "I don't know who I am" He said. Roderick chuckled and took a step backwards.

"This is marvelous, just- Oh this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You can't remember who you are? This is just perfect, absolutely outstanding. Nothing can ruin this day for me. You won't mind if I paid the Oscorp tower a little visit , do you? Of course you don't" He said and his chuckle turned into a fit of laughter.

He backed away from Harry and into the white light. "I don't know who am I and you couldn't care less. Please stay and explain things to me, please" He whispered. Roderick held his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and turned his head slightly around.

"No can do kid, I got an appointment which I'm already running late for. So goodbye...Oh right! I almost forgot. The police found this" He said and he tossed a small cube in front of Harry. "I don't know what it is. Please don't go!" He said and struggled to get of the ground but his legs barely responded.

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