Chapter forty - I need you

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Harry walked towards the metal cage and looked around, now that he was pretty close to Max he could see that the metal plate behind appeared to be a curbing device, one which was made in Oscorp.

Harry walked into the opening in front of the cage and looked at the panel which seemed to control the curbing device. He revolved a big round button and looked at Max. ''Sedation off''' The computerised panel said.

''Pssstt..''Harry said softly. Max opened his eyes slowly looked down at Harry who stood there with the teaser in his right hand. ''I'm gonna get you out of her, alright? But we don't have much time'' Harry said.

''Who are you?'' Max said with his deep voice, much deeper than Harry remembered. ''I'm Harry Osborn. I want to make you a deal'' Harry said smiling. ''I should kill you'' Max said without any emotion. ''Come one. Think bigger, Max. I'm not the one you want, you want Spider-Man'' Harry said.

As soon as Harry said 'Spider-man' was Max trying to keep his peace, to keep himself contained. ''And I can give him to you. But I need something first, I need you to get me into Oscorp'' Harry said while he pointed the taser at Max.

''Get you in? But you own it'' Max said confused. ''Uh..Not anymore. Oscorp betrayed us both, so I can't get in there without you and you can't get out of here without me'' Harry said laughing. ''You can't possible know what I want'' Max said.

Harry thought deeply and remembered the blue prints of the power grid. ''You submitted a design for the grid and they stole, and now you want it back. You wanna back what's yours'' Harry said as he raised his voice.

Max started at Harry without moving a single muscle. ''Power..'' Max whispered. ''It's all within the city, Max. And it's right at your fingertips. Once you shut down the down the grid, Spider-Man will come, and I want you to make him bleed!'' Harry screamed out.

There was a hard sound of breaking glass and Harry turned around to see what it was, it was the glass of the door which shattered all over the floor. Harry could hear the voices of about six men screaming to each other about how to break the door.

''Max, we don't have much time!'' Harry said nervously. ''Give me one reason why I should trust you?'' Max asked coldly.

''Because I need you! And you need me!" Harry screamed out. ''You need me?'' Max asked as his black with bright blue electrical eyes grew bigger. ''Yes! I need you. You are my only chance I have at surviving'' Harry said. ''You need me?'' Max asked still amazed by the fact that somebody asked him for help.

The smack of the door being kicked in was like the end for Harry, who knows what they were going to do to him for breaking into Ravencroft. Harry's body filled itself with fear, ecstasy and an incredible amount of adrenaline.

''Yes, I need you. I need you! Please, I need you!'' Harry said and he held the taser close enough to charge up Max with electricity. The containment team rushed down the stairs and grabbed a hold on Harry.

''Please, I need you'' Harry cried out as the guards dragged him away from Max. ''Please! I know what it's like to be thrown away! Please, I need you Max! I need you!'' Harry screamed out on the top of his lungs.

The curbing device around Max started to shake and Max was shaking as well. His natural blue colour was mixed with hundreds of slam purple thunderbolts who seemed to lit up more every second.

Dr.Kafka walked to the emergency alarm to the wall as she gave on of the guards in the containment team to take out Harry, because it seemed that he was triggering Max. A guard smacked Harry in his face with a gun and it knocked him out instantly.

''You, turn on the sedation. NOW!'' Dr.Kafka yelled to one of the men of the containment team. The teammate ran to the computerized panel and switched on the the sedation. ''Now, take him out of here!'' Dr.Kafka yelled to the two guards who were holding Harry as a rag doll.

The two guards nodded and dragged Harry up the small stairs. Dr.Kafka follow the guards as they dragged Harry through the hallway. ''How did he get in here!?'' Dr.Kafka yelled at the guards. The two guards looked down because they were afraid to face Dr.Kafka.

''I CAN'T HOLD HIM, THE SYSTEM IS OVERLOADING!'' One of the guards in the iso-lab yelled.  Dr.Kafka and the guards stopped with walking and looked frightened at the door. Within nine seconds a loud sputtering and screaming was heard from the iso-lab. ''Go..'' Dr.Kafka said and she took a few steps back.

''Doctor?'' One of the guards asked. Dr.Kafka looked both at them straight in the eyes and stuttered. ''GO! Leave him and let's go! It's not safe here!'' Dr.Kafka yelled and she started to sprint off. The guards let go off Harry at the same time and Harry fell on the cold ground.

The hit on the ground caused Harry to gain consciousness again and he started to slowly open his eyes. ''What the hell just happened?'' Harry whispered. His vision was blurry and all he saw were the woozy white walls.

A bunch of thunderbolts started to appear in the air, and it slowly showed a shape of a man, it was Max who used his electrical power to teleport himself through air. Harry started to smile at Max who was on standing on the ground looking surprised and amazed at his hands.

''You came back...'' Harry said softly. Max looked emotionless at Harry and nodded slowly.

''Don't move!'' A heavily secured guard yelled as he jumped out of nowhere. Max raised up his left arm and shot a thunderbolt of lightning right through the guard's heart making him drop dead instantly.

Harry slowy got of the ground and walked over to Max and smiled. "You wanna be my friend?'' Max asked. Harry smiled and walked to Max. ''I thought we were already friends'' Harry said smiling. He was about to place his hand on Max's shoulder, the fact that Max was a being of pure electricity did not come to Harry's mind.

His hand got a small shock for even coming nearby Max, he pulled back his hand and looked huff at his hand. ''I had a friend once, it didn't work out'' Max said coldly.

''Yeah me too..'' Harry said as they both looked each other in the eyes. ''Then let's go catch a spider'' Max said. Harry smiled at max and walked to the smouldering body and studied his heavily secured man's suit. ''Can you dissolve with this too?'' Harry asked. Max looked oddly at Harry and walked to him. ''Without all the metal, I think I can'' Max said. ''Well try it on'' Harry said.

''Why?'' Max asked confused. ''You want to go out like this, you want to be seen like this?'' Harry asked. Max was wearing nothing else than shorts because every other piece of clothing would burn instantly in the curbing device.

Max nodded and tried on the suit, which suited him perfectly. ''Well?'' Harry asked. Max's body started to slowly fade away and the big metal parts on the ground. ''Max?'' Harry asked as looked around, but there was no sign of him.

''Max?'' Harry asked again. ''Right here'' Max said with his electrical voice. Harry jumped up in fright and turned around. ''You scared the shit out of me'' Harry said laughing. Max's face remained the same, no smile, no expression.

''You can walk right out of here, all the guards have been taken out. Strange though..Two guards were already unconscious, they lied down the stairs'' Max said. ''Uh...Well, that..Uh..Was me, I tased them'' Harry said laughing.

''With what?'' Max asked. ''The same taser, I tased you with. Why?'' Harry said. ''You know that the taser had a voltage level of 50 volt" Max said. ''How do you know that....Never mind'' Harry said. A sharp stingy pain was felt out of Harry's hands right up to his arms as tried to cross his them.

''Meet me at the east gate of Oscorp in ten minutes'' Harry said quite nervously. Max nodded and dissolved in the air. Harry walked out of the iso unit hallway and into the hallway with all the prisoners.

The prisoners were still in their cells, crying, laughing and screaming. ''What if there was really fire? They would just let them burn in here'' Harry thought.

He walked passed the cells and the man with the wild green eyes and red hair was still staring at Harry, only this time he was smirking as well. Harry ignored every single one of them and walked back to the entrance of Ravencroft.

The cab was still standing on the parking lot. Harry walked to the black cab and opened the door. ''What happened? I heard a fire alarm or something like that. Shouldn't you call the cops?'' The cab driver asked. ''200 more if you forget what you just hear and saw''Harry said as he sat down in the backseat.

''Nothing happened, where to?'' The cab driver asked. ''The Oscorp tower, I have to pick up something..'' Harry said smiling.

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