Chapter one - School

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The school bell rang and hundreds of children filled up the hallway, it was Friday afternoon and weekend stated for the students of The New York Public School.

The students were walking peacefully out of the hallways on their way to their homes, to relax and calm down after a long exhausting week of school.

Not that the students disliked the school, why would they it was one of the nicest places in the neighbourhood.

The school's outside looked like the other schools, but the inside sure didn't.

The classrooms were decorated in the most marvelous colours, like green with yellow dots or red with blue stripes.

The teachers were the nicest in the whole world and there was no violence or bullying. Why would they bully each other, almost every student there was equal.

The school wasn't exactly expensive to go to, it was more for the families who didn't have couldn't afford much.  Therefore everyone was equal, except for one student.

In the entire school was just one outcast, one student who was different from the others.

That student was ten year old Harold Theopolis Osborn, or as everybody calls him; Harry, the son of Norman Osborn, the CEO of Oscorp Industries.

Harry was the only outcast in the entire school, because his father was one of the most powerful men in the world. His father Norman Osborn owned the most profit making company in the world, Oscorp. Harry had been overwhelmed with luxuries and riches his whole life.

Most students avoided Harry because of his wealth and his almighty father, Norman Osborn. The parents of the students told their kids to stay as far away from Harry as possible, because they were terrified of his father.

Norman had a lot of power and didn't mind using the power for his own good.

If someone even touched Harry and he would feel harassed or threaten, he would say it to his father and Norman would just get rid of the person who did it, what happened twice already.

Harry's only friend he had was Peter Parker, son of Richard and Mary Parker. Peter had been his friend for a very long time, in fact for as long as they could both remember.

Harry and Peter met each other on 'Take your kid to work day' when they were only five years old. Richard Parker, Peter's dad worked as one of the most authorized scientists in the Oscorp tower together with his partner, Doctor Curtis Connors.

Dr.Connors and Richard Parker worked alongside on a project which involved Cross-Species Genetics, a project which crossed the DNA of a self healing animal like a spider or a lizard.

Richard studied the healing capability of a spider, while Dr.Connors studied that of a lizard which made sense. Dr.Connors was one of the world's foremost authorized herpetologists, that's reptiles for those who don't know.

Dr.Connors and Richard Parker both worked for Norman Osborn, who paid for the whole Cross-Species Genetics department.

On the 'take your kid to work day' took Norman and Richard, Harry and Peter with them to show them where they worked.

"Norman, this is my son Peter" Richard said as he introduced Peter to Norman. "Hi Peter, have you met my son Harry yet?" Norman asked as he knelt down to Peter's height.

Peter stood shy behind his father. "Harry?" Norman said as he looked around to find him. "I'm here" Harry said as his tiny head appeared from behind a desk.

Norman shook his head as Harry walked towards him. "Harry, this is Dr.Parker and his son Peter" Norman said and he pushed Harry to Richard and Peter.

"Hi!" Peter said as he stretched out his hand. Harry looked at his hand and looked at his father. "He's just shy" Norman said embarrassed. Peter smiled at Harry, who wasn't smiling at all.

"Good morning, Mr.Osborn, Richard!" Dr.Connors said as he walked into the room. Harry and Peter both looked weird at him, for having only one arm.

"Richard, could we discuss something in private?" Dr.Connors asked. Richard nodded and looked at Norman who nodded as well.

Richard and Dr.Connors left the room and went into a small office. "Well, duty calls. I'll see you later Harry" Norman said as he walked towards his office.

"Dad, I wanna stay with you" Harry said and he grabbed his father's lab coat. Norman slammed the door in front Harry's face and locked it.

Harry and Peter were left alone and looked each other in the eyes. "So you're Harry?" Peter asked friendly. Harry looked annoyed at Peter and sat down behind one of the small desks.

"Who wants to know?" Harry said without any interest. "Well, I do-'" Peter said smiling and he tried to shake Harry's hand.''I'm Peter'' He said smiling from ear to ear. Harry looked at his hand again and turned around. Peter's smile disappeared because of Harry's ignorance.

"What was wrong with that man, he only has one arm.." Peter said laughing. Harry looked at Peter after the remark he just made.

Peter pulled his right arm out of his sleeve and underneath his shirt, as he tried to do an impression of Dr.Connors.

Harry started to laugh and he walked to Peter. "You're funny, I like you" Harry said smiling. Peter pulled the shirt right over his arm again and smiled at Harry.

"So..How are you?" Peter asked. "Marvelous. I love being locked up in an almost completely abandoned office inside of an over-sized tower" Harry said sarcastically.

"I kind of like it in here.." Peter said. "What's the matter to you? Why would you like it in here. It's so..Boring and scientific and boring" Harry asked. "Probably because I really would like to do something with science and chemistry when I grow up" Peter said smiling. Harry smiled back at Peter and nodded.

The door of the small office slammed open and Richard stormed out of there. His face was frowning heavily and the steps he took were loud.

Richard grabbed Peter by his arm and pulled him away from Harry. "Dad? What's going on?" Peter asked confused. Richard ignored Peter and continued to drag him out of the room. ''Gotta think fast'' Harry thought to himself.

"Wait, Peter! What school do you go to?" Harry yelled. It was too late, Peter was already out of the room. Harry sat down on the ground and looked around.

In the corner of the room was a brown backpack standing against the wall. Harry walked to the backpack and picked it up, it wasn't his backpack. A small white card fell out of it, with some text on it.

This backpack belongs to Peter Parker, if you find my backpack please call; 562-987-45.

Harry grabbed the nearest phone he could find and dialed the number. "Come one, ring!" Harry said.

'Hello?' 'Peter, this is Harry' 'Harry, I don't have time to talk right now..' 'Wait! What school do you go to?' 'The New York Public School' Peter said and he hung up.

Harry walked out of the room ans stood still in front of a huge door, which lead to his father's office. He took a deep breath and gathered all his courage.

He opened the door and walked directly to his father, who was busy writing things on a small notebook. "Dad, I want to go to a public school" Harry said with all his courage.

Norman looked down at Harry and started to write again. "And why is that?" Norman said annoyed. "I just feel like I should go to one! You know, to learn and observe" Harry said.

"Why would you want to go to a public school, when you have a perfect home school teacher" Norman said, not looking at Harry. "But dad, please! Please! Please!" Harry begged.

"Alright fine, which one?" Norman said as he ripped out one of his notes. "New York Public School!" Harry said full of excitement.

"Okay fine, I'll enroll you tonight! Now go play with Peter or something. Just leave me alone! I have important things to do" Norman said.

"Dad..Peter left minutes ago together with his father" Harry said still smiling about the excellent news he had just received. "WHAT!?" Norman shouted and he stormed into the hallway.

Ever since that day were Harry and Peter friends.

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