Chapter twelve - Welcome in Chicago

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"Hey kid? Wake up!" A unfriendly voice said. Harry slowly opened his eyes. "Where...Where...Am I?" Harry asked half unconsciousness.

"You're in Chicago you fell asleep. You're about five minutes away from your new school, so pull it together!" The unfriendly voice said.

Harry started to actual wake up and realized that he was in a cab, and not in a normal New York cab but a Chicago cab. "I fell asleep? For how long?" Harry asked while rubbed in his eyes.

"The pilots said that ya slept the entire flight, and they had to lift you in here cause they couldn't wake ya up and here ya are" The man said and he lit a cigarette up.

"Can you please not smoke, I can't stand the smell!" Harry said and he tried to fix his hair. The man smirked and looked inside the rear view mirror.

"You're not in New York anymore kid, you don't make the rules anymore!" The man said laughing.

Harry looked amazed and angered at the man. "Do you know who you're talking! I'm Harry Osborn!" Harry shouted at the man.

"Who? I seriously have no idea who you are.." The man said coughing. "I'm the son of Norman Osborn......from Oscorp industries..." Harry said.

He felt bad immediately after he his fathers name, he threw him away like he meant nothing to him at all. "Nope, it doesn't ring a bell" The man said. "It doesn't matter, just stop already" Harry shouted.

The man turned around and smiled at Harry, his teeth looked horrible they were brown with yellow and the smell that came out of his mouth was horrible.

"You're not familiar with the rules here in Chicago, are you?" The man said. "What rules?" Harry said.

"The street rules of course. You were probably a little spoiled kid in New York, but that ain't matter here in Chicago. Nobody cares who you are, and nobody will care. You're a nobody here and ya must never forget that!" The man said with a strut laughter and he threw his cigarette against Harry.

The cigarette rolled to his clothes and ash fell on his t-shirt and jeans.

"What's your problem!?" Harry shouted and swiped the cigarette and ash of him. The man stopped the car and slammed his door open. He walked to Harry's door and opened his door as well.

"Welcome to your new home!" The man and grinned evil. Harry took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

The man next who was driving the cab wore a over sized tuxedo with sting all over it and the smell of smoke what came of it was unbearable.

Harry looked up and saw a gigantic grey with white building. "Is this my house?" Harry asked to the driver.

The man rolled his eyes and pushed Harry toward the door of the building. "Have a nice life" The man said sarcastically and he took off.

Harry opened the door and step inside. "Hello, welcome to the Chicago boarding school. Name please" A woman who was sitting at a desk next to Harry said.

"Harry--Osborn.."Harry mellowly said. The woman looked in a book and wrote something down.

''Yes, follow me please. Have you got any baggage?" The lady asked to Harry. Harry fell asleep in the plane, he didn't know if the pilots gave it to the cab driver.

But it was too late anyway, the cab driver was already gone. ''No'' Harry said. The lady started to walk and Harry followed her.

The hallway was brown with a grey roof, no decorations and it looked insanely clean.Harry and the lady walked up the stairs into an other hallway.

In the hallway were around twenty doors with names on it. The woman held the 6th door opened ''This is your room, you'll start tomorrow at 8 AM in classroom 003'' She said.

Harry walked inside of the room and looked around amazed. ''Why are there two beds" Harry said and he pointed at the two beds against the wall. The lady rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

Harry looked around and saw pictures everywhere. Harry walked to the wall with the most pictures on it and studied them.

The pictures were all made in the city, which was pretty obvious because there were building on the pictures.

The door opened and a boy around his age walked inside. The boy had dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a big camera hanging around his neck. "I see that you like my pictures!" The boy said and he walked over to Harry.

"Yeah, they're really good" Harry said. The boy grabbed Harry hand and shook it. "I'm Edward Allen Brock--You know what just say Eddie" He said.

"I'm Harry, Harry Osborn" Harry said. "So how did you get in here?" Eddie asked. "I..I... My father thought that this would be a better school than my last one.." Harry thought up quickly.

He didn't knew why his father sent him away. "How about you?" Harry asked.

"Scholarship.. I take pictures of the school for papers and advertisements, and they let me stay for free! But it's only for a short period. I'll be here one week per month" Eddie said enthusiastically. Harry walked over to the two beds and sat on the left one, the covers were dark green and the pillows were grey.

"I'm going to get a snack downstairs, you're coming too?" Eddie asked. Harry looked at his feet and sighed.

"No, I'm not hungry.." Harry said. Eddie walked out of the room into the hallway. Harry sighed and literally dropped himself on his bed.

His muscles relaxed and he lied there staring at the ceiling. Harry turned over and lied on his side. "Why?" Harry sobbed.

His eyes started to get misty and a tear rolled down on his cheek. Harry closed his eyes, and the tears kept on rolling on his cheek.

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