Chapter seventeen - Old Friends

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The girl with her head in the locker stopped with moving her arms and slowly closed her locker. She turned her face around to Harry and smiled.

"Yes?" MJ said. "I uhm.I....I was wondering..If you..Do you happen to know

..Where classroom 105 is?" Harry asked stuttering.

"Yeah, it's up the stairs and then the third door on your right" MJ said smiling. "O-Okay, thanks" Harry said and he walked to the stairs.

"Hey wait!" MJ yelled to Harry and she walked towards him. "Have we met? I feel like I've seen you before. What's your name?" MJ asked. "I'm Harry....Harry Osborn.." Harry said smiling.

MJ's smiled from ear to ear and her green eyes were glowing with joy. ''Oh my Gosh! HARRY!'' MJ yelled and she hugged Harry tightly. ''It's nice to see you too'' Harry said blushing. ''Where have you been? I never heard from you again'' MJ said.

''Yeah, I went to a boarding school in Chicago..Uh, I mean California. I mean I ended up in California and well I shut myself out for a while, I just really needed some time to you know. Sort things out'' Harry said.

''Oh, well I'm glad that you're back!'' MJ said. The bell rand and all the students walked to their classes. ''I gotta go, see you soon!'' Harry said smiling. ''I'm counting on it!'' MJ said and they waved goodbye.

Harry did the same thing and walked to classroom 105.

The classroom was quiet large with test tubes and sinks everywhere, he walked to a table in the back of the class and sat down. The tables were made for two, which meant that somebody would probably sit next to him.

Harry opened his chemistry book and looked at it. ''First class and I already want to skip it'' Harry thought as he looked at all the assorted information in his textbook. ''Is this seat taken?'' A friendly voice said.

Harry looked up and saw that a girl with blonde hair  was standing next to him. ''No, go ahead'' Harry said. The girl sat down next to Harry and smiled to him.

''Let me guess. You're new here?'' The girl asked. Harry nodded. ''I'm Gwen, Gwen Stacy'' Gwen said. ''I'm Harry, Harry Osborn'' Harry said.

''Wait a minute, Osborn as in Norman Osborn from Oscorp?'' Gwen asked. ''Yes..'' Harry said. ''I work at Oscorp. Well, I'm an intern'' Gwen said smiling. ''Really?'' Harry asked amazed.

''Yeah, I started last year I assisted Dr.Connors until-'' Gwen said. ''Until what?'' Harry asked.

"You haven't heard? He injected himself with a serum he  was working on. I think it was cross-species genetics . Anyway it went wrong and he turned himself into a-a giant lizard. He attacked New York and transformed some policemen into lizards as well. But fortunately he was stopped by Spider-Man!'' Gwen said.

Harry's eyes grew bigger, he couldn't believe what he just heard, he knew Dr.Connors and he was a good person he would never hurt anyone.

''Spider-Man?'' Harry asked. ''Yeah! C'mon, you've heard about him, right?'' Gwen said. ''No, what is Spider-Man?'' Harry asked.

Gwen opened her backpack and grabbed a magazine out of it, and she showed it to Harry. ''Well, it's a who and this is him!'' Gwen said. Harry looked at the magazine and saw a guy in a blue with red suit swinging in the air. 'Why NY loves Spidey' said the magazine.

''A looney in spandex. That's Spider-Man?'' Harry said. ''Yes! But he can do all the things a spider can do. He can walk of walls and swing through the air using a real spiderweb'' Gwen said.

''Okay..'''Harry said said disbelieving  The teacher walked into the classroom and the lesson started. ''Do you want to be lab partners?'' Gwen asked. ''Sure, why not?'' Harry said smiling at Gwen.

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