Chapter two - The Black Car

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Harry walked through the hallway."Hey" a voice behind Harry said. Harry turned around and saw a boy around his age with brown hair, braces and glasses standing behind him.

It was his best friend Peter Benjamin Parker. "Hi Pete" Harry said as smiled. "So how did your biology test go?" Peter asked. "I got a C+" Harry said. "I got an A+" Peter said with honour. Harry looked at Peter and smiled to him. ''Good for you!'' Harry said.

The two walked to the exit and out of the school. ''So what are you doing after school?'' Peter asked. ''I'm not sure yet, why? Do you wanna hang out or something?'' Harry asked.

''Yeah, that is of course if you're up to it..'' Peter said. Harry and Peter walked onto the school playground as they both held their hands in the pockets of their jeans.

A black car pulled over across the street and a man from around 35 years old walked out of it.

That man was Donald Menken, one of Oscorp's higher ranked employees. He actually was Norman Osborn's personal assistant. As Menken walked to the two boys they both looked pretty tangled at Menken.

''Harry Osborn?'' Menken asked. Harry looked him right in the eyes and hesitated for a second.''Who wants to know?'' Harry asked.

''I'm Donald Menken, your father sent me'' Menken said and he showed a badge from Oscorp. Harry looked over to Peter and rolled his eyes. ''You need to come with me'' Menken said.

''Er..No, I don't. Peter and I were about to go to the park'' Harry said and he crossed his arms. Menken sighed and grabbed Harry by the left arm.

''Let go off me'' Harry said while he tried to release himself. Menken held his arm tightly and pulled him in the car. Peter looked at Harry who was being dragged into the black car. Harry looked through the window at Peter, and the car drove away leaving Peter all by himself.

Menken drove through New York and wasn't paying any attention to Harry at all. ''Why do I have to come with you?'' Harry asked. Menken looked in the rear view mirror and grinned at Harry.

''Because your dad asked me to'' Menken said. ''Why didn't he pick me up himself? Why can't he pick me up for this one time?'' Harry asked as he rolled his eyes.

Menken pushed a button which locked all the doors and the closed the little window between them. ''I asked you something!'' Harry yelled. Menken turned on the radio, but he could still hear Harry's shouting.

''WHY? Answer me that Menken, WHY?!'' Harry yelled even louder. Menken turned the radio to maximum and ignored Harry. Harry became pissed and started to kick against the door and slammed against the window.

After a few minutes later Harry was calmed down and sat quietly in the back off the car. He looked outside of the window and stared into the usual fuss.

Just thousands of people who were going to their work or meeting someone, but then they passed Time Square, one of New York's biggest sights. On an average day counting more than 300,000 pedestrians, always extremely crowded with either with tourist taking way too much pictures or just street salesman. 

There was a huge traffic jam and Harry began to become really bored. They stood completely still, they didn't moved at all.

Through the music could you hear sirens and lots of honking from cabs. Harry looked at all the tourist. There was a hard bonk on the left window and Harry jumped in fright.

Standing outside of the left window was a homeless person with a plastic bag on his head. ''Do you have some change, sir? He asked to Harry. Harry looked confused at the homeless man and shook his head.

The homeless person studied Harry and looked confused. Harry wore very expensive clothes, his clothes were from the best designers from all over the world.

He wore a white t-shirt from Prada with a dark blue blazer from Dior and a black trousers from Armani. His clothes were worth more $2000. ''You do have money!'' The man said.

Menken didn't noticed at all that Harry was talking to some stranger, because the music behind his side of the window was too loud. Harry crawled to the left window and rolled down the window.

Harry opened his backpack and grabbed out three bucks. ''Here you go'' Harry said and he gave the money to the homeless man. The man looked confused at the money and smiled at Harry.

Harry looked with his bright blue eyes at the man. The man's smile disappeared and his face started to turn red. The man grabbed Harry and pulled him against the car door.

''All you could give me was three bucks! You little spoiled brat!'' The man said. He pulled Harry back and forth against the car door. Harry tried to break free from the man's hands but he was too strong.

''Menken, please help me!'' Harry yelled to Menken with the little bit of air he had left. Menken had still no clue that there was a man standing next to the car. Menken was too busy playing with his new phone which he received from Oscorp. 

Harry slipped out of his blazer and the homeless man took it and ran away with it. Harry held his head out the window. ''Hey! give it back it's mine!'' Harry yelled.

A lot of people looked at the car and gave Harry a strange look. Menken looked in his rear view mirror and didn't saw Harry.

He rolled down the window between them and looked rushed in the backseat. If Harry was gone, he would be fired.

Fired was a soft punishment what Norman Osborn could do. Oscorp was great at 'burying things', whatever was inconvenient would be get rid of.

Norman had to much power in this city, so it was already dangerous to know about him.

Although that would make everybody unsafe, Norman was the most richest and power fullest man in the world. Everybody knew about him and his business, Oscorp.

Menken looked to the left side and saw that Harry was hanging halfway outside of the window. Menken stretched out his right arm and pulled Harry back in the car.

Harry looked angry at Menken.''That guy just stole me blazer'' Harry said. Menken looked confused to Harry and than looked out of his left window.

''What man?'' Menken asked. Harry looked out of the left window desperate to see a sight of the man who stole his jacket.

''Never mind'' Harry said with a soft voice. The traffic jam started to move and they finally drove out of time square.

Harry could see the gigantic Oscorp tower and sighed. It wasn't very hard to not see the tower, it was huge. ''i'm here way too often. Why can't my life be simple..'' Harry thought and he held his head down.

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