Chapter forty-four - The Power Grid

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Harry was now floating at 400 meters above the surface at a speed of 100 MPH. There wasn't much light in the city, but the sirens of police cars and ambulances, and that of the bright blue flashes around the power grid.

It seemed like New York had only been experiencing fear and madness for the last couple of weeks, first Curt Conners then Max Dillon's firework show on Times Square and now a complete blackout of the entire city.

Their was panic everywhere, even from the height Harry was hovering was the chaos noticeable, there were people who were running and crawling over each other, policemen who were trying to control the fuss and S.W.A.T. teams ready to capture or assassinate up the person who did this.

''In the sky! What is that?'' The captain of the SWAT asked. ''I have no idea, is it even human?'' A SWAT teammate asked. ''It's human alright..'' A SWAT team member who was looking through a funiculars said.

The captain ran to the team member with the binoculars and snatched it out of his hands. The man stood tongue-tied as he saw what appeared to be a human figure on some sort of hover board. "Who the hell is that?" The captain of the team said.

"Sir, do we have permission to take it down?" One of the SWAT team members who was squatting behind a machine gun which was attached to one of the SWAT vans.

The captain turned around and faced the man with behind the machine gun, he looked paralyzed at him and then nodded. The man behind the machine gun tried to aim for the human figure in the sky.

"I got him in target!" The man yelled. "Well, where are you waiting for? Chinese new year? SHOOT!" The captain yelled. The man held his eye close to the gun sight and hesitated. "Sir, it moves to fast, every time I get it in my target he moves" The SWAT member said.

The captain looked acrimoniously at his team member behind the machine gun and pushed him away from the machine gun. "Let a man handle it!" He yelled as he looked through the gun sight.

He aimed for the person in the sky and was about to fire when a bright blue flash filled the streets, blinding almost everybody on the surface and in the sky. Harry who was still flying at an incredible noticed the immense bright flash as well.

He held his arm in front of his eyes to block the light and stopped with moving forward. The light dimmed and Harry slowly lowered down his arm. The flash appeared to come from the power grid which started to glow, just the whole city.

The power was back, all the darkness seemed to fade away as all the streetlights and lights of the sky scrappers lit up. ''Max...'' Harry thought as he looked to at the power grid.

The sound of people cheering filled the air together with a hard sizzling sound. Harry turned around and looked down at all the people on the streets who were celebrating as if they all won the jackpot.

A hard explosion silenced the people in the street. It appeared that the last three storeys of the Oscorp Tower had exploded, black smoke gushed out all over the tower as orange flames cascaded the sides of Oscorp. Harry stated to show a small smile which grew and changed into a grin while he watched Oscorp burn.

That grin turned into an uncontrollable laughter which increased within every second. Harry held his eyes closed as he kept on laughing uncontrollably.

The sound of Harry's laughter was so high pitched that it was heard down below the streets in streets of New York as well and seemed to silence the cheering of the civilians.

When Harry opened his eyes, were to his surprise hundreds of civilians pointing at him and holding each other tight. "They fear me..." Harry said softly and looked absent-minded at the civilians who looked like ants from Harry's point of view.

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