Chapter nineteen - Trouble on Times Square

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Bernard parked the limousine and Harry and Peter walked out. "Bernard, are you coming too?" Harry asked.

"No sir, I'm going to pick up Mr.Osborn" Bernard said and he drove off.

Harry and Peter walked through the garden filled with statues and fountains, towards the entrance of Harry's mansion.

"Harry?" Peter asked. "Yeah?" Harry said. "Do you still blow-dry your hair every morning?" Peter asked smiling.

Harry looked confused at Peter and smiled shyly. "Except for this morning.....But one of my manservants holds the hair dryer while I work the comb, so at least I'm not completely helpless" Harry said laughing.

"Do you still cary your camera with you everywhere?" Harry asked while he tried to stop laughing. Peter opened his backpack and showed Harry his camera.

"I actually have a small job at the Daily Bugle" Peter said. "The Daily Bugle? What's that?" Harry asked. "It's a newspaper. I take photographs and Mr.Jameson, my boss buys them from me to--to spread his reign of terror across this lovely city. The man sure knows his prejudice about everything--and everyone"Peter said laughing.

"Really? Sounds like a--Nice? Job--I guess" Harry said smirking.

The two arrived at the door and Harry took the keys out of his pocket. He opened the door and did an impression of a butler."Please enter my humble home" Harry said as he pointed to the lobby.

Peter and Harry stepped into the room. "This is your house?" Peter asked with his mouth wide open. "It's not much I know" Harry said.

"Not much? It's tremendous, it's like half the size of Midtown High! Peter said astounded as he gazed around. "What? This..This is just the lobby, come on I'll show you the lounge" Harry said as he pointed to the big steel doors of the elevator.

Peter followed Harry and they went upstairs. "Why would you want to leave this place? I mean you have everything here!" Peter asked. "I uhh...These walls stand for a lot of bad memories.." Harry said with a sensitive voice.

Harry walked over to the table and turned on his laptop. "Do you want to drink anything?" Harry asked.

"Coke?" Peter asked. "Two cokes on their way" Harry said and he walked to the kitchen. Peter looked around, he couldn't believe how big Harry's house was.

Harry walked back into the living room and placed the two glasses of coke on the table next to Harry's laptop. "Who's that?" Peter said and he pointed to a large painting of a woman.

"Well, that would be my....Mother...." Harry said with a sad voice. "Oh I'm sorry..I didn't mean to" Peter said. "It's okay, I can't remember her anyway" Harry said as he rolled his eyes.

Harry's mother, Emily Osborn died several months after Harry was born, she had critically damaged organs after giving birth to Harry.

Ever since she died the household had never been the same. Norman implicated Harry for her death, Norman said that they had such plans together.

Norman decided to dedicate his time to extend his life and to develop Oscorp instead of raising his only heir, Harry.

Oscorp took a toll on both Norman and Harry. Several months after Norman's wife died was Norman devastated, lost and incredibly livid.

Which only became worse when the staff of Oscorp threatened to fire him, when Norman was the CEO, the one who strated and owned Oscorp.

They said that the investors wanted to fund Quest Aerospace, because their inventions were more advanced than Oscorp's. The stress and pressure on Norman became more by every second, which permittily damaged Norman's mind for good.

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