Chapter six - Green eyes

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''Why would you say that?'' Peter asked. ''Because it's always the same story, as if it is their intention to bore me to death'' Harry said and they arrived at the lake.

Harry picked up an oval rock and threw it in the lake, it jumped on the water twice on the water and sank into the depth afterwards . Peter picked up an oval rock as well, and started to do the same thing.

''I'm sorry...I wish that I could make it more pleasant for you somehow'' Peter said. Harry picked up an other rock and studied it. "I think that you might be able to, Pete!'' Harry said with a smile.

Peter looked confused to Harry. ''Like how?'' Peter asked. ''Well, I could sneak you into Oscorp...'' Harry said softly

''Did I hear you correct? You want to sneak me in to the most secured building in New York?'' Peter asked with a fake smile on his face. ''Yes! I bet I can do it, just say that you'll come'' Harry said.

''Okay, so what if it works. What what will happen if the security or your father sees us?'' Peter said. ''I dont know, but I'll figure out how! And don't worry about my  father, he's never  actually there..So you'll come?'' Harry asked.

Peter looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. He looked Harry in the eyes and nodded. ''Okay, I'll come'' Peter said.

''Really? Thank you! This will be my first real birthday'' Harry said and he jumped up and down of joy. ''Okay calm down, what time do we meet and where?'' Peter said.

''We'll meet at 2 PM. at the east gate'' Harry said. ''Okay, and how again are you going to sneak me in..?'' Peter said sarcastically.

''Well the gate opens by DNA of the Osborn family, so mine will work. The security camera's can be shut down in the office of my dad, than we still have the problem with the guards.....wait...I got it, I'll just tell them that someone's trying to break into the generators room, that's like 80 floors up''Harry said.

Peter's mouth dropped open and he stared at Harry. "Sounds like you've got it all figured out" Peter said. Harry nodded and smiled. "I'm sure that we can do it!" Harry said proud.

The lanterns turned out and the sounds of sirens and car engines filled the air. Peter looked at his watch and saw that it was 10:30 PM. "Why are the lights out already?" Peter asked.

"I don't know, maybe the power went out" Harry said. "I suppose so" Peter said and he looked at his watch again.

"Har, I gotta go or else aunt May and uncle Ben will worry about me" Peter said and he started to walk away from Harry. "Bye Pete!""Harry yelled and waved Peter goodbye.

Harry walked slowly to the other side of the park, the way which was going to his house. His hands in his pockets and his head facing the wind. At the end of the path was a girl with red hair sitting on the ground sniffing.

He slowly walked past her and the girl looked up to him. "A-are you okay?" Harry asked. The girl looked up with her sobbing emerald green eyes and looked deep into Harry's eyes, which caused to make his heart to beat faster and faster.

''What do you care?" The girl said. Harry sat down next to her and sighed. "I don't know...But you seem pretty upset.." Harry said softly. "Yeah..I'm sorry, you're real nice" The girl said while she showed a small smile. Harry started to blush instantly as he fell in love with her smile.

''I'm Mary Jane Watson'' MJ said laughing. ''N-nice to meet you'' Harry said nervously and started to stand up. ''Wait!'' MJ said and she walked next to Harry.

Harry held his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. ''I know you...but I don't know from what..'' MJ said. Harry looked in her eyes and started to blush.

''I remember! You're Norman Osborn's son, right? Uh don't say it...Uh...Harry, right?'' MJ asked. Harry nodded while he was still blushing. ''Why are you blushing and so are you so quiet?'' MJ asked. ''Oh, I don't feel very well...'' Harry said.

''Oh, what's wrong ?'' MJ asked to Harry. ''I..have..a sore throat..'' Harry said and he cleared his throat. ''MARY JANE WATSON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, NOW!'' a man across the street yelled to MJ.

''That's my father I gotta go, get well soon Harry!'' MJ said and she hugged Harry. Harry's heart reached the point that is was about to explode and he felt like he could throw up but he didn't. ''Bye'' Harry said all paralyzed. "Bye? That's the best you had?" Harry thought.

Harry had never felt this way before, he felt warm from the inside. He had never gotten such a feeling like that, it was nice yet frightening at the same time.

He watched MJ walking towards the car and saw her leave. He was totally paralyzed by her eyes and her smile, she was the only person he thought about.

A gunshot was fired and the wind filled itself with the hard sound of a gunshot. Harry came back to reality and decided to walk home, because New York isn't the safest place to be out at night.

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