Chapter thirteen - The Fun in Boarding Schools

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"Harry...Harry wake up!" Eddie said and he shook Harry back and forward. Harry opened his eyes and saw that Eddie was standing next to him, he wore a white sweater with a picture of a snake curled in the shape of a c.

"Wha--What time is it?" Harry asked with an 'I just woke up. Leave me' voice. "It's 7:57. Which means class will start in 3 minutes! So get out of your bed 'cause we gotta go!" Eddie said and he pushed Harry out of bed.

Harry fell down on his knees and shook his head slightly. He held his right hand up and raised his index finger. "Just give me a minute.." He said while he unwillingly got of the floor.

Harry walked to the mirror on the wall and stared at his messy hair. ''Eddie, you better go. This might take some time. Do you happen to have a comb or a--'' ''No. We're late. Let's go'' Eddie said and he grabbed Harry by his arm. Eddie rushed out of the room alongside Harry.

"Didn't you hear the alarm clock?" Eddie asked. "No, I must have slept right trough it, I was really tired.." Harry said.

Eddie and Harry ran down the stairs into the hallway. "Over here!" Eddie said and he pointed to classroom 003.

Harry and Eddie walked into the classroom, everyone in the class was dressed the same. They all wore white shirts and dark blue jeans, just like Eddie. Harry and Eddie walked to two empty tables next to each other.

A strict woman in a dark blue dress and glasses on walked into the room and set down after a metal desk. "We'll start today by reading the rules of the school" The woman said.

The children opened their backpacks all at the same time and grabbed their rules book out of it.

"1, I will never in any case disobey nor ignore the rules. 2, I wear my clothing with pride and can only take them of during certain times of the day. 3, I shall never ever try or think about not leaving the school until I'm old enough to go to college" The children said.

Harry looked at Eddie who was reading the rules as well. The teacher looked up and saw that Harry wasn't reading. "You!" She yelled. She stretched her arm forward and pointed towards Harry.

"Me?" Harry asked and pointed at himself. Some classmates stopped with reading and looked just above the top of their books at Harry. "What are you wearing?" The woman asked. Harry looked at his clothes and smiled. ''I think it's supposed to be; who. Like in who are you wearing? It's okay, we all make mistakes it's what makes us human. But to answer your question. I'm wearing--"Take it off" She said. ''Excuse me?'' He said offended. ''I want you to throw them away" She yelled at Harry.

"Are you crazy!? My shirt alone is worth four times your salary. That is of course if you're being payed above average otherwise it would be much much more" Harry said still smiling. "Do you have any idea what respect is, young man?'' She asked with the most sweetest voice she could fake. ''Do you have any idea how much my clothes are worth?'' Harry said doing an impression of her face. ''Because you're new I'm going to give you one more chance. Take those clothes of and change into your uniform or I'm gonna have to send you to the principal's office'' She said still remotely calm.

"Whoo, I'm so scared" Harry said and he made a fake impression of him being scared. Harry felt something vibrate in his right pocket of his jeans. ''I gotta take this one'' He said while looking at the screen. He looked sober at the screen of the phone and sighed. "Are you on your phone!?" She yelled. '

"--Yeah, that's nice--What--" Harry said absent-minded by the screen of his phone. ''OUT!!'' She yelled as she slammed her hand furiously on her desk making the class shiver. ''Yeah..I Gotta go to the bathroom anyway'' He said and out of his seat and walked out of the class still looking at his phone.

The phone screen kept on saying 'Incoming call coming from Peter Parker'. ''I--I can't--I--No--I have to get this over with'' He thought as he pushed the green button on the phone.

"Hello?" "Harry, where the heck are you!?" "Pete, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" "Talk to me! Why aren't you at school? What's going on?" "You're the best friend I could ever wish for and I'm going to miss you--A lot"

"Harry, what are you talking about!?" "I'm so sorry--" "What's wrong? Where are you? Wherever you are I'm on my way! Just tell me where you " Harry hang up and he could feel that his eyes started to get wet.

He threw his phone on the ground and picked it up and threw it in the trashcan. "I can't....I need to forget about him I need to forget about everything!" Harry murmured.

Harry walked through the hallway until he saw a sign with 'principal's office' on it.

Harry knocked on the door and opened it. There was an elderly man sitting behind a small desk who immediately looked at Harry as soon as he walked in. "Sit down" He said. Harry sat down on a small metal chair with rust all over it.

5 minutes passed and Harry was still sitting on that chair, without saying a word. The door opened and the teacher who sent Harry out of the class entered.

"There you are!" She yelled at Harry. "What did he do?" The principal asked.

"This little brat here didn't want to corporate with the rules and interrupted my lesson" She said angrily.

"Don't call me a brat!" Harry shouted back. "Don't use that tone to a teacher!" The principal shouted. Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the wall.

"Why aren't you wearing a uniform like everyone else?" The principal. "Cause it looks stupid. I mean what is it even supposed to mean? A snake in curled up in a C?'' Harry asked. ''Well, obviously the C stands for Chicago. The snake on the other hand is a symbol of intelligence" The principal said trying to prove his point to Harry. ''A symbol for intelligence? No offense but that's the most stupidest thing I ever heard. A snake means in most cultures including a lot of mythologies evil. That was the only history class I ever paid attention to so take it from me you're basically saying is that Chicago is evil--" "What about the Rod of Asclepius? The symbiolism of the snake in the rod is healing'' The principal said faking a friendly smile.

Harry crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. ''I'm still not wearing it'' He said stubborn. ''It's a rule! You wear it or you face the consequences" The principal said.

"I'm not going to wear it!" Harry said determined. "This is your last change, wear your uniform!" The principal said furious.

Harry looked his right in the eyes and grinned. "No'' He said smoothly without even considering to be worried. "Very well, you have night shift for 4 months!" The principal said.

"Whatever that means" Harry said while rolling his eyes. "Here's what it means for the not so wise.It means you will help the janitor with cleaning the toilets. I'm sorry did I say help, I mean you will do his job for him!" The principal crossing his arms.

"And what if I refuse, which--Skip the if. I just won't do it" Harry said. "Bring back the if. We will kick you out of our school. I heard it's though out there. You know livin' on the streets'' The teacher with a somewhat creepy grin.

Harry looked furiously at her. "Yeah, can you imagine?Me. Cleaning toilets. It just doesn't sound right to me" Harry said grinning.

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