Chapter forty-seven - The Goblin's Last Stand

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As the frustrated web slinging swung away, darkness and despite shadowed throughout 5th Avenue. Along with a large amount of ambulances, firemen and even several task forces. Three of the countless task force agents closed in on the beaten down Harry.

"Alright men, lock and load! Clear the area and inform Ravencroft" The head of one of the task forces yelled. The task forces did what them was told and followed the orders without questioning. "Ravencroft, like in The Ravencroft institute for the criminal insane?" One of the task force men asked to his team leader. "Ya got a problem with that!?" The leader yelled. "No sir, it's just that..Why Ravencroft, why not the Vault? Isn't the Vault supposed to be a maximum secured facility?" The task force man asked.

The team leader looked stubborn at his team mate and took five big steps towards Harry, who was now being dragged of the pavement. "Because I have never seen such enhanced body armour before. I want to know exactly where it came from, who made it and most importantly how he got it!" The leader yelled. The team member nodded starkly and he walked over to the rest of his team.

A black van pulled over near the area where Harry's glider crashed and two men of a containment team jumped out of the back. The marched towards Harry's torn up glider. They stopped right in front of it and tried to lift it up, although it was a fail attend.

The glider weighted more than a grown man, and was still pretty hot after the engine explosion. The men signed at some other task force guys, using nothing more than some slight sign language. The other task force men came running towards them and helped with lifting the glider of the ground and into the black van.

While the task forces lifted up the glider and were dragging Harry of the ground, the crowd started to become elevated. It seemed that an individual in the crowd was trying to get through the fuss, with pushing everybody aside.

Naturally the crowd's reaction wasn't very positive, which only caused them to yell at each other and some were even fighting. All because of one individual who had to get through. ''Excuse me. Let me pass, please. Got something important here. Jeez, move it!'' The individual said to the pedestrians who came along his way.

People in the crowed got more annoyed by the second, the soft murmuring became screaming and the soft pushing each other lead to free-for-all fight. The NYPD immediately responded and blocked the crowd by forming a wall of their personal protection shields.

Captain Stacy was looking grimly at the situation from a manageable distance away from the crowd. ''What happened to society, that results into violence?'' He said to himself while he looked at the hundreds of civilians behind the shields of the policemen beating each other up. He nodded his head and turned his back to the crowd.

"Sir, step back or we will use violence!" One of the policemen yelled to a man in the crowd. "No, you gotta let me through. I need to see captain George Stacy! I've got something important to tell him" The man yelled exhausted.

"You can go by his office later on this week. Now leave or I'll make surr you'll never be able to come back" The policeman yelled to the man. The man sighed and turned around. He was about to take a step when he turned around swiftly and jammed himself into the policeman's shield, drawing the attention of Captain Stacy. "Captain Stacy! I have something important to tell you! Please!" The man yelled as he struggled to break through the wall of shields.

"Eh! That cop is insulting that fellow!" Someone in the crowd said. That comment released a chain reaction of comments and massively hitting the wall of shields. Captain Stacy was just dazed by all the commotion and ran to the wall. ''Captain Stacy, can I just have a minute! Please, it's urgent! It's about your family...'' The man gabbled out.

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